Software in Excel

Hi Ravinder,

software works fine. However it henerates too many buy/ sell signals. Would it be possible to tweak the system to generate lesser signals? Just a suggestion which I hope will be helpful.

Hi Smartrader,

I appreciate your suggestion. I need such suggestions from all other users because i know if all of us will get together then we can change results of this sheet dramatecally. From tommorw you will notice that max. two call of one script will be generated.

Wish you happy trading and thanks for your valuable suggestion!
dear ravindar

i agree with samtrader about less no of calls. i not getting RT data feed from yahoo. even though the sheet says YES i get only RT data for NSEI for other scripts is delayed by 10-15 min. i am opening the sheet after loggin into yahoo and checking keep me signed option.


Hi Smartrader,

I appreciate your suggestion. I need such suggestions from all other users because i know if all of us will get together then we can change results of this sheet dramatecally. From tommorw you will notice that max. two call of one script will be generated.

Wish you happy trading and thanks for your valuable suggestion!
dear ravindar

i agree with samtrader about less no of calls. i not getting RT data feed from yahoo. even though the sheet says YES i get only RT data for NSEI for other scripts is delayed by 10-15 min. i am opening the sheet after loggin into yahoo and checking keep me signed option.

Dear Sprintravi,

It cant be possible that you are not getting real time data after logging into yahoo and after check in KEEP ME SIGN IN Option... If you still face such problem tommorow then meet me online at my yahoo id... mentioned in my earlier posts.
Dear Ravinder,

Thanks bro. Looking forward to improved version.
Would it also be possible to set up an audio alert? Avoids watching the screen if you see what I mean.
System can be made more efficient if you can have ema crossover alerts, but I am not sure if this can be incorporated.
Just a food for thought.

cheers & happy trading
Dear Ravinder,

Thanks bro. Looking forward to improved version.
Would it also be possible to set up an audio alert? Avoids watching the screen if you see what I mean.
System can be made more efficient if you can have ema crossover alerts, but I am not sure if this can be incorporated.
Just a food for thought.

cheers & happy trading
Thanks Smartrader,

I will look out for audio alert too, hope its possible in excel. As far as ema crossover is concerned that is not possible in excel sheet.

I really appreciate the efforts taken for the improvement of the application. Today's sheet - for 27th Sept is quite neat and clean and very well updated. And more over timely posting on the net is also an achievement.

I hope to continue the changes and reach up to the level, that one need not required to download on daily basis.

Jaldeep Vaishnav

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