Some of my forecasts

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Right! You probably read at Nifty50 how I took Tucker to court because he would not give me his S&R's which are superior to mine.
My 9-year old grandson only knows which way the market is headed. He does not know how to calculate S&R's--lol.

If Tucker can, so can a 9 year old boy :rofl:

@4xpip, in a lighter vein only, please.
Right! You probably read at Nifty50 how I took Tucker to court because he would not give me his S&R's which are superior to mine.
My 9-year old grandson only knows which way the market is headed. He does not know how to calculate S&R's--lol.
be aware sir, one day he gonna have a set of S&R's better than tucker, so soon ur ranking is going to be down from 2 to 3,lol.
LOL, it's my 10-year old grandson you got to watch out for. I'll give you an idea how smart he is. At 5-years old, he could name and spell all the dinosaurs. He named all the planets and the order they appear in from the sun. I gave him an algebra problem, and he worked it out for me. He's in 5th grade and never got less than an "A" on his report card.

Yes, I'll be a #3 before too long. At least I'm still in the top 10--lol.

be aware sir, one day he gonna have a set of S&R's better than tucker, so soon ur ranking is going to be down from 2 to 3,lol.
LOL, it's my 10-year old grandson you got to watch out for. I'll give you an idea how smart he is. At 5-years old, he could name and spell all the dinosaurs. He named all the planets and the order they appear in from the sun. I gave him an algebra problem, and he worked it out for me. He's in 5th grade and never got less than an "A" on his report card.

Yes, I'll be a #3 before too long. At least I'm still in the top 10--lol.
hey within few quotes, he has become elder by one year, i.e 9 to 10, he is really smart:D
Ichimoku XIII--kumo

Considering I don't like blind faith, but only substantiative proof, I'll share why the candle always gravitates back to the cloud once it drifts too fay away.

The answer will be found in its formula. The Senkou span A will always be found at the bottom of the cloud in a sharp downtend. Once the candle has reached a lower extreme, look to the future and you will see the A at the bottom.
The A is on top in a sharp UP.

Next we consider the completed cycle of a trend. This will vary from market-to-market, but generally accepted principles teach us that a cycle is from 26-32 candles.

The A side is the mid-point of 52 candles plotted 26 candles ahead. By taking the mid point of the last 52, you have taken the mid-point of 2 cycles. That is very accurate measuring. Then, you plot it 26 units ahead. You are giving it a full cycle to hit the cloud.

The average of the low and high, but its definition is a mean. You could call it the gathering point of all activity within the last 52 candles. Even though we are headed to the future, let's be real! How far from the mean could we really expect price to get? Would there not be a propensity to gravitate back towards it.

Here's a way to be able to test it just to have fun with it. Take everyone that has posted in this thread. Do an average of all their total posts in the entire TJ forum. Next, take the first 6 people you find that never posted in this thread. See if 3 of the 6 total posts are not less than the average and 3 are more. Find one that has at least double the average and see if the next one you check is not less than that one. Let's say one you check has 1/2 the posts of the average, then see if the next one you check is not more than the previous one.

Getting back to trading, because it is more important. That is why when price drifts too far away from the cloud why it will always pull back to the cloud.
T4J, I believe we are talking about the market you posted earlier. I think it is good information to have in knowing it is correcting the UP as we speak, and then when it returns south it will head lower. While this is going on, we are also looking for the BIG reversal point.
As traders, this is good information for us to have.

Personally, it was good information for me to have that at circa .9525 the AUD/CHF was going to reverse. This way I was able to position myself accordingly.

So why here we are not talking about reversal from huge downtrend?

So once trip will start to south, when we will get north move for sure:confused:
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