Some of my forecasts

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Well-Known Member
Dear 4xpip,
Once again, there is accountability that is needed for the presenter, and a personal conviction for the learner'

How true these words are in any Profession.In my long career,i have seen both the boss & the subordinate fail because they lac the above.
Well said 4xpip & i wish all youngsters keep this in mind.
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Ranga, thank-you.
I really believe it is important for learners not to just take up with something just because they were told this is the way it is, but to take it because they tried it, put it to use, and found out for themselves this is the way.
Personally, I've reviewed 100's, maybe 1,000's of indicators. I had to sample them all lives then make a decision for me what was best . There are about 3 absolutes in trading you have to have, and it is no opinion. If there are 3 things you don't have, then you are bound and you will fail:
1. Methodology
2. Money management skills
3. Mind discipline.

Dear 4xpip,
Once again, there is accountability that is needed for the presenter, and a personal conviction for the learner'

How true these words are in any Profession.In my long career,i have seen both the boss & the subordinate fail because they lac the above.
Well said 4xpip & i wish all youngsters keep this in mind.


Well-Known Member
Re: Nifty weeklies--010112

Ranga, those values are the weeklies, so they end 1/7/2012 (You're right if you meant "6/1/2012" as being January 6.). I always put what they are in the "title".
I don't know if the market is considered to be spot or future. I assume it is spot, because that is the way it would be traded on my platform. It's the market that closed the year at 4624.
That site does not suffice for me. I need data that can either be transposed to my spreadsheet, so I can convert it to charts with the respective values, or I need a chart where I have the candles and exact values plotted on the chart.
That might sound picky, but it's what's needed in order to do my S&R's.
Someone wanted a weather report once for his area. He sent me the needed data, I plotted it on my spreadsheet, converted it to a chart, and then sent him the S&R's.
LOL, it blew his mind!

Again, I can do the S&R's for whatever you want, as long as I can put a chart to it and I have the necessary data.

Dear 4xpip,
4624 refers to spot & fut closing is 4634.4
But,what most people trade is Future & hence they may be more interested with yr values for Future.
Paul Sir..... have a look at Silver and DJIA Monthly and Weekly S&R's..... both of them have same values........ ;)

And wishing everyone a very Happy and Prosperous New Year ahead....
Ranga, I don't trade commodities, so I might be ever more excused.
I'm posting this chart to show you exactly what I am looking at in copper. All my analysis, which includes my S&R's are based solely on what I see in a chart. OTT, I don't know how to answer your question.

jpg image hosting

BTW, I've tried many of the posting sites for images. I thought I'd put in a plug for There is no image advertising, no junk to slow your computer, and it's the easiest imaging I've seen yet.

Copper. Yr levels are for indian mkt or International.Because the trading exchanges are different though India has to depend on International.
I am a novice in comodities & any flaw in my post may be excused
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