Some of my forecasts

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LTT, I did not notice, or maybe I was not paying attention.
I do fudge up a few pips on my TP with one of my brokers because of the instability of the platform.
There is another platform I have that is really stable, and the spreads are consistent


Does the spread always increase near the holidays? I just noticed this around Christmas time, and today too.
But it got back to normalcy after the holidays.

I checked multiple brokers, and the spread had indeed increased between the pairs.
I've been used to getting the data e-mailed to me for the miscellaneous Indian markets. That is not going to be possible unless something happens positive to the platform on the one that was sending it to me.

If anyone is interested in the S&R's for any of those markets and can either post the 4-hour, daily and weekly data via Google docs or e-mail them to me, then I'll be happy to get it done.

The Weekly Review is going to be a little early. I'll be doing it about an hour before the markets close here in the US. So, it will be posted around 2:30 in the morning IST.
This enables me to hit the ground running on the Weekly Forecast, as well as get all the other S&R's finished.


Well-Known Member
Re: Nifty weeklies--010112

Nifty 4815.46 4728.62 4676.31 4571.69 4519.38 4432.54
Dear 4xpip,
You are discussing Spot nifty or Nifty Future?This was asked previously also for which your reply was not clear.
I had also posted where u could see the prices for both,present & Historical(
And the above values r for week ending 6/1/2012 i suppose
Re: Nifty weeklies--010112

Ranga, those values are the weeklies, so they end 1/7/2012 (You're right if you meant "6/1/2012" as being January 6.). I always put what they are in the "title".
I don't know if the market is considered to be spot or future. I assume it is spot, because that is the way it would be traded on my platform. It's the market that closed the year at 4624.
That site does not suffice for me. I need data that can either be transposed to my spreadsheet, so I can convert it to charts with the respective values, or I need a chart where I have the candles and exact values plotted on the chart.
That might sound picky, but it's what's needed in order to do my S&R's.
Someone wanted a weather report once for his area. He sent me the needed data, I plotted it on my spreadsheet, converted it to a chart, and then sent him the S&R's.
LOL, it blew his mind!

Again, I can do the S&R's for whatever you want, as long as I can put a chart to it and I have the necessary data.

Dear 4xpip,
You are discussing Spot nifty or Nifty Future?This was asked previously also for which your reply was not clear.
I had also posted where u could see the prices for both,present & Historical(
And the above values r for week ending 6/1/2012 i suppose
T4J, that's because nothing has really changed. Even if the WS2 at 4592 gets hit, it could still contain, and we are still in the UP. Price action hit the bottom of the R zone, which is where it reversed. If the recent dip is taken out on this leg, then I'll have to get in and update.
Come to think of it, I think I did mention how that price action is headed top the WS2.

I should have the D,W,Y S&R's ready no later than 7:30pm IST Friday. Big weekend! No time to play in my Hot Stove Baseball League this weekend.
This is just a query, don't get in other way.

Today you said 4592 could still contain but now in your weekly S&R, i don't see it anywhere?

Any reason?

Can you explain it through chart, it will be very helpful?

How we can be very sure on whether it will contains or not?
Like you did last time @ 4777 & i remember about 5173 where you were saying just look what will happen when it will touch this price

This week we have 3S i.e. 4571.69 4519.38 4432.54
How we can be very sure on whether it will contains or not?
Any prediction is just an educated guess. There is no 100% guarantee, and no any black marks to the predictor either - whether a technical chartist, or fundamental or astrological.
Any prediction is just an educated guess. There is no 100% guarantee, and no any black marks to the predictor either - whether a technical chartist, or fundamental or astrological.
I know nothing will work 100%.

But i have seen exact figure from 4xpipcounter from where market made reversal & where are here :)

So i want to know what make hime very sure.
T4J, 4592 was the WS2 for last week. As it turned out, the Ws2 did contain the drive south today, as it was not even hit. Now, this week is past. We look forward to a new week Next week's WS1 is 4571.
If the correction continues higher, then the WS1 has to contain, because the WS2 at 4519 is lower than the dip.
Cycles from one period to the next are going to be similar. Even though this week is now in the rearview mirror, there will be price action next week that will possess many of the same properties of last week's levels. Regardless, once that period (This case, the week.) has concluded, the new S&R's in that TF for the next period kick in.

Keep in mind my S&R's even though they may appear, because of their accuracy, to be chart S&R's, they are not. They are purely mathematical. When I word the S&R's, my charts are necessary because I like to have a precise view of the cycles and how price has interacted in previous periods. It's kind of like taking a picture of price action in my own mind, so that photograph of price action is set. Because I know my formula like you know the back of your hand, viewing the recent price action gives me at the very least, a conceptual idea of where the following period's S&R's will be.

How can we be sure it will contain? Tucker said so. LOL.
Okay, seriously. There are no guarantees. Regardless how good the forecaster might be, there are no iron clad guarantees. This is why I have alluded many times to the trades I take have a HCR (High Confidence Ratio). Earlier this week I had a breakeven trade on the AUD/CHF. That was what I felt to be a very high confidence trade. As it turned out, I made no money on the trade.
Having said all that, when the forecasts are accurate to a high degree most of the time, then there is no doubt money, and lots of it, is made in this industry.

At this point, I am really hoping for the WS1 to contain. The recent leg of the correction still appears it was not deep enough, and I do not want to spend time evaluating where the next probable dip is. That is the ulterior motive. In essence, the correction is still on until next week's WS1 is taken out.

That 5173 was the daily kijun if I remember right. Also, if I remember right, we had a sharp move south after it was touched.
There are times when you can accurately say, "If this happens, then that will happen." Other times, it is not quite as sure, and so terms like "Decision point" come to play. Many times, though, decision points will yield a low risk trading opportunity. I took a short on the EUR/AUD today at a decision point. It has no pullback and a quick profit. OTOH, it was still just as likely it would have lost. That type of risk was worth it, because the decision point said the short could be entered with a 20-pip SL, and the TP was 73 pips.
LOL, I've also taken many trades in the neighborhood of a 50-pip SL and a 20-pip TP. I don't want anyone getting ideas I pay attention to RR ratios.

This is just a query, don't get in other way.

Today you said 4592 could still contain but now in your weekly S&R, i don't see it anywhere?

Any reason?

Can you explain it through chart, it will be very helpful?

How we can be very sure on whether it will contains or not?
Like you did last time @ 4777 & i remember about 5173 where you were saying just look what will happen when it will touch this price

This week we have 3S i.e. 4571.69 4519.38 4432.54
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