Some of my forecasts

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Well-Known Member
Sir, your current views on the CHF Pairs please - especially USD/CHF, CHF/JPY and AUD/CHF.

My goodness! If I had dentures, they would have fallen out of my mouth. My MR1 is .9659, and that is where price is camped at as of this writing. This pair is bent on taking OB conditions to the extreme. It is not stuck in a sharp channel daily updraft, which could take the pair to the WR3 at .9719. Look for a reaction at that point.
MT, watch for this pair to have a magnificent drop. By mid-February or sooner, gravity will give out. (Save this statement.) The YS1 at .8582 is on the radar.
Prem, okay. It was 6 weeks since the USD/JPY was this low.
I'm just picking your brain. How would you convert the post you just made into its tradeable equivalent? If you have read my previous posts, you will know I have been saying that the USD/JPY is eventually going to dip into the low 70.00's, so eventually the pair will make a new all-time low. Currently, it is 75.55.
So, I'm curious. With the information you had given, are you saying it is going lower, or it is going to find support and reverse? What kind of usefulness would that be for a trader?

U.S. Dollar Dips To New Multi-week Low Of 76.86 Versus Yen
Prem, okay. It was 6 weeks since the USD/JPY was this low.
I'm just picking your brain. How would you convert the post you just made into its tradeable equivalent? If you have read my previous posts, you will know I have been saying that the USD/JPY is eventually going to dip into the low 70.00's, so eventually the pair will make a new all-time low. Currently, it is 75.55.
So, I'm curious. With the information you had given, are you saying it is going lower, or it is going to find support and reverse? What kind of usefulness would that be for a trader?
LOL Sir it was just an update being unaware of the fact this thread is 100% technical :rofl:
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