Some of my forecasts

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Well-Known Member
That post was really nothing more than a spin off of what Eagle posted. I was just having fun with the numerology. Of the 4 mentioned, the least likely to happen is my forecast for gold.
This sounds re-assuring :D
Unless the the forecast is labeled in the title, or it is in the official form of a forecast, I wouldn't take it too seriously. After all, you know none of my forecasts are based on any exact numeroligical data, but is all based on market movements and the supports and resistances that support the specific views.

This sounds re-assuring :D
Misc Indian Market Yearly S&R's--2012

Tata Motors 427.47 314.27 246.07 109.69 41.49
Tata Steel 713.93 541.64 437.85 230.27 126.48
Rel Ind 1091.75 909.65 799.96 580.56 470.87 288.77
SBI 3038.76 2394.92 2007.06 1231.34 843.48 199.64
Wipro 496.99 452.38 425.50 371.76 344.88 300.27
Infosys 4429.18 3667.72 3209.01 2291.59 1832.88 1071.42
Bha Airtel 497.94 427.18 384.55 299.31 256.68 185.92
Rel Comm 171.29 125.05 97.20 41.50 13.65
Rel Infra 905.49 648.90 494.32 185.18 30.60

4 of the markets do not have an S3 for the year. This is because the numerical values are too low to be able to calculate it.

I was also given the market of Tata Power to do the yearlies on. That market is in limbo. From what I can tell, it did a 10-way split in Sept. Can someone verify that or correct me on it?
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