Some of my forecasts

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3 more for 2012

USD/CHF: If the YS1 at .8402 is so much as touched this year, then the YS2 at .7417 is on the radar. Watch for the mid--.9900s. If broken convincingly, then it is the express to the YR1 at 1.0372. The next stop after that could possibly be 1.0731. It promises to be a volatile year for the Swissy.

EUR/CHF: The YR1 at 1.3207 should contain all upside action this year. The monthly kijun at 1.2606 promises to be a strong obstacle. The weekly kijun at 1.1270 is still a reasonable target to the downside. The YS1 at 1.1113 could only be a temporary holding point if the pair makes it that low. The YS2 at 1.0066 would be visited if the YS1 gives out.

AUD/USD: There is still a possibility of a drop to circa .8311. If we got that drop this year, then it would effective wipe out all the years S&R downside objectives. The YR1 at 1.0711 needs to contain any thoughts of this pair moving higher.
It should also be noted that LT, circa .8311 contains, as this would be viewed as a LT correction to a LT uptrend. This pair should be hitting the decades R1 at 1.1538.


Well-Known Member
Re: Misc Indian Market Yearly S&R's--2012

Tata Motors 427.47 314.27 246.07 109.69 41.49
Tata Steel 713.93 541.64 437.85 230.27 126.48
Rel Ind 1091.75 909.65 799.96 580.56 470.87 288.77
SBI 3038.76 2394.92 2007.06 1231.34 843.48 199.64
Wipro 496.99 452.38 425.50 371.76 344.88 300.27
Infosys 4429.18 3667.72 3209.01 2291.59 1832.88 1071.42
Bha Airtel 497.94 427.18 384.55 299.31 256.68 185.92
Rel Comm 171.29 125.05 97.20 41.50 13.65
Rel Infra 905.49 648.90 494.32 185.18 30.60

4 of the markets do not have an S3 for the year. This is because the numerical values are too low to be able to calculate it.

I was also given the market of Tata Power to do the yearlies on. That market is in limbo. From what I can tell, it did a 10-way split in Sept. Can someone verify that or correct me on it?
It would be helpful if u mention whether your levels are future or spot.
Re: Misc Indian Market Yearly S&R's--2012

That google doc is a cut-n-paste from the spreadsheet information that someone sends me. Those markets are not on my platform. It is a simple export from his GCI platform to a spreadsheet. I take that information make a chart from in it, apply my formulas, and come out with my levels.

Seeing you are from India, you are able to open a demo with GCI. Just do it, and you will see the live data I am talking about that comes from an MT4.

If the Indian market work in the same way as forex, then they are spot rates. If they are not, then anyone can correct me.

Again, I do not trade those markets. I simply post the levels, because that is what the readers of this thread want.

It would be helpful if u mention whether your levels are future or spot.
5 more for 2012

USD/CAD: I mentioned in this weeks Weekly Forecast that 1.0059 is on the radar. That could end up being the key mark for the whole year. If it contains, then the dip we saw to .9891 from the recent peak at 1.0656 will be it, as we see the rise to the bottom of the monthly cloud at 1.1059. The YS1 is .9836 and the YR2 is 1.0948, so if 1.0059 contains, then the bottom of the monthly cloud is well within range.

NZD/USD: This pair is moving higher to start the year. The combination of the monthly tenken and weekly kijun at .8106 is a strong confluence of R. With the YR1 at .8287, that zone should be the extent of the move north for the year. As long as that is the case, then well say the move to the monthly cloud top at .6850. The YS2 is .6742.

EUR/GBP: I gave away part of this forecast for 2012 in the Weekly Forecast. Expect containment on the downside for the year to be the YS1 at .8111. The reversal will take the pair to at least the YR2 at .8768. There should be a move beyond that mark. The decades S2 is .8145, so that is going to be a very explosive area. The dip to that area looks like it could be it for the whole decade, as most likely the LT rise will take ascent to the decades R2 at .9585.

EUR/JPY: This is going to b a little different, but I have to report what I see. Ive been saying this pair is going to drop to the low 90.00s, and that has been a target for a long time. This is the year it is going to happen. The only problem is the YS1 is 93.03, which is not deep enough, and the YS2 is 86.48, which conjecture tells me it is too deep. If I take 50% of the distance of those 2 points, then I get 89.76, so that is the level I am going with.

GBP/JPY: Watch for 117.68. The mark will be broken this year, and when it does, it will bring a quick drop to the YS1 a 113.01, and then well see the drop continue to the YS2 at 106.53.
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