Some of my forecasts

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Weekly S&R's--010812

R3 R2 R1 S1 S2 S3
EUR/USD 1.3098 1.2925 1.2822 1.2614 1.2511 1.2338
USD/JPY 77.67 77.35 77.15 76.75 76.55 76.23
GBP/USD 1.5720 1.5586 1.5506 1.5344 1.5264 1.5130
USD/CHF 0.9830 0.9703 0.9627 0.9473 0.9397 0.9270
EUR/CHF 1.2209 1.2181 1.2164 1.2130 1.2113 1.2085
AUD/USD 1.0421 1.0333 1.0281 1.0175 1.0123 1.0035
USD/CAD 1.0497 1.0400 1.0342 1.0224 1.0166 1.0069
NZD/USD 0.7971 0.7895 0.7849 0.7757 0.7711 0.7635
EUR/GBP 0.8376 0.8316 0.8279 0.8207 0.8170 0.8110
EUR/JPY 100.30 99.20 98.53 97.21 96.54 95.44
GBP/JPY 120.36 119.61 119.16 118.26 117.81 117.06
EUR/AUD 1.2713 1.2585 1.2508 1.2354 1.2277 1.2149

The EUR/AUD is being added to the Weekly Forecast this week and might be sticking around for awhile. This is because I have been tracking it a lot these days.
As always, all requests are welcomed.
Re: Cac 40

Saif, the belief will really kick in, not because you are able to predict market movement, but when you start making withdrawals, then having something to show from it.
Personally, I think it is important to reward yourself. This would entail taking a small percentage of your profit and spending on you. That should be one of the benefits of your job. Your reward will keep growing as the equity in your account grows. It might be at the beginning it takes you 3 months to earn enough that a small percentage will add up to buying a new shirt. In 3 more months, it could mean a new computer. 6 months later it could mean a weekend getaway. After awhile, your friends are saying, "Saif, I thought you were that poor guy at Park Circus, and now you are living it up. What is going on!?" At that point, you can tell them.

I would like to go to India. As I mentioned before, I have many logistical things that have to be worked out first. At this point, there is still nothing I can commit to.
haha lol sir well Yeh you are right :) But I intend to keep my work personal to myself from everyone. ! At 15 I never expected that I will choose this path of making money lol It was a risk choosing it I don't feel the same way now . ! at 16 I started learning and then after some time smoked two account learnt from it and now after almost 1 and a half years I have a pretty much basic idea of how it works lol so with the same pace in about a couple of years I intend to surely laugh at them and brag to :p lol
Weekly Forecast--010812

EUR/USD: It appears there will be more of the same for this pair this week, except it could be tempering its attitude a little. The following week, it should start showing signs of exhaustion, and then the huge reversal will be imminent. For this week, a correction could be seen to the hourly bottom of the cloud at 1.2820. The WR1 is 1.2822, so that will make for a nice containment area. It would still pay to watch for a reaction once arrived at that point. WE have a chance of the WR2 at 1.2925.

USD/JPY: This pair is boring me to death. Its almost like when I know I have to forecast it, I cringe. The low down is simple. I will say this. When it does break out, it could catch us all napping. When there is a double-digit range for the week, its not good.
Okay, enough dirty laundry. We head to the WS2 at 76.55, and then the WR2 at 77.35. Some excitement could begin for this pair if the WS2 is taken out convincingly.

GBP/USD: Similar to its cousin, the EUR/USD, we are getting close to a MT correction. By the looks of things, this pairs move south could be over this week, especially if the WS2 at 1.5264 is hit. That is the favored scenario with the bottom of the 4-hour cloud WR1 combo at 1.5506 capping off the move north this week.

USD/CHF: With the break of the weekly cloud, it means this pair is heading higher. It still forewarns that in 3-4 weeks a big drop is due. What is now a bearish cloud will drop even lower which will tip the pairs altimeter. At the beginning of the week, expect a correction back to the WS1 at .9473, and then it will shove it in gear for the WR2 at .9703. Im expecting another circa 200-point move north from there before we see the MT reversal.

EUR/CHF: This pair is behaving similarly to the USD/JPY. Watch for the WR2 and the WS2 at 1.2181 and 1.2113 respectively. It will probably head south to start the week.

AUD/USD: This pair is making things even more interesting for the Aussie crosses. While most of the USD pairs, the USD looks strong, against the AUD the USD still looks weak. There is going to be very solid MT containment at 1.0484, and it still appears that level is going to be hit, before the reversal. For this week the daily kijun appears to be solid containment at 1.0123, which is also the WS2 . From there the move north should land at the WR1 at 1.0282, and maybe the WR2 at 1.0333.

USD/CAD: This pair has been in a large consolidation pattern since the recent MT peak was established at 1.0657 in the week of Oct. 7. This should confirm that at least this week the pair is headed higher. WE should start this week with a ST consolidative pattern that will lead the pair to the MR1 at 1.0309 first, and then well see a reversal to the WS1 at 1,0224, and then the final reversal takes the pair to circa WR2 at 1.0400.

NZD/USD: This pair is now at a point that it leaves in forecaster at a point of using interpretive skills of price action rather than strict forecasting. Having said that, and provided I have a good read on what is actually going on, /the dip that ended last week should continue to the circa MP at .7772 and WS1 at .7757 area. After that move has been completed the move should take the pair higher, even though it is preparing for a stronger MT drop. This weeks peak could be the WR2 at .7895.
BTW, the S&Rs have been getting tighter for 6 consecutive weeks. This should all be leading up to a tightened channel that will lead to the explosive break south.

EUR/GBP: The drop continues as per my MT forecast. Ive been saying for quite awhile we are headed to the bottom of the daily cloud at .8167, and since the new year started I added the YS1 at .8111 as an additional target. Needless to say, it is still on the radar. The depth of the channels and the implications with the clouds on all TFs are such to not even think of heading north with this pair. It is the hourly bottom of the cloud at .8266 that should contain this weeks price action, and allowing for a spike to the WR1 at .8279. OTT, it is straight south. We are getting close to the reversal. This week the pair has its eye on the WS2 at .8170, and possibly the WS3 at .8110. Notice the similarities with the MT outlook.

EUR/JPY: The WS1 at 97.21 should be used as a decision point this week. If that is broken convincingly, then we could be on an all out sprint to the YS1 at 93.03. For now, well say the WS1 contains, and if that is the case, then it makes the WR1 at 98.53 an easy target, and then we could get to the WR2 at 99.20 with some strong effort.

GBP/JPY: This weeks WS2 at 117.81 is going to provide very strong S. If it is broken, it will come with all the bells and whistles. Its doubtful it is going to happen as it should contain. If the DOWN continues at the beginning of the week, then it should be a huge flag once we dip under 118.00.

EUR/AUD: Watch for the WS1 at 1.2354 and MS2 at 1.2357 area to provide very strong S. That could be the area we get a reprieve from the sharp downtrend and see the MT reversal begin. MT, we could be on our way back to 1.3158, which is the YR1.
I'll get it done, Saif.

Right now I am on the road and have no access to my charts. I'm thinking about midnight Sunday night your time I should be at my computer with the charts.
Oh I missed the post in which you mentioned about your holiday :cool: ! I hope you are enjoying and having a pretty good saturday morning sir :)
Saif, I'm glad you worded your question this way, because it reminds me of a general statement I want to make.

If there is an update of a market you want me to do, could you please refer to the post you are talking about for the update. I'm glad the thread is still moving along real good, but anything outside of what IO trade will get lost in the shuffle. Many times even the forex updates will get lost, which is one of the reasons my chief prize for the week is my Weekly Forecast.

DIJA is next

Sir Please review if you have any new update on major index djia ?

This forecast also reminded me I need to update the miscellaneous S&R's. They might have to wait until circa 11:30 Sunday night IST.

12265 remains key support before we get a move further north towards 12619That area will be a decision point. A huge correction of the market should be forthcoming by mid-Feb. The 12619 level will yield containment before the correction begins or a huge breakaway further north. For now, it is total conjecture which way it will go.

BTW, we had a nice trip. WE had dinner at a Chinese restaurant that served sushi. It was an all-you-can eat. I had sooo much sushi, then I added some prime rib, and lots of other good food to it. This restaurant is a new one, and it is beautiful. It was a wonderful experience!
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