Some of my forecasts

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Here's another picture of what is happening with the euro. I might beat the euro to death over coming days, but I have been talking about what will be an all out MT onslaught the euro will put on all the major currencies.

I mentioned in my Weekly Forecast to look for the WS1 at 97.21 to contain, or it's going to be a freefall to the YS1 at 93.03. To this point, the WS1 has contained, as the dip was 97.27. Confirmation that this pair has reversed will be the reaction and move into the cloud, which will probably take until next week to fully consummate.

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What we see happening here is this pair has reversed since the strong spike north. I featured this pair in my Weekly Forecast this past week. It should continue its southern journey to the chart S where the candles traveled east. I'm still expecting it to be broken, and then head to the MS2/WS1 cluster event, as per the Weekly Forecast. More and more, that area looks rock solid. That will probably be my trigger to go long

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Re: Eur/aud

BTW, a ST intraday level to look for right now is 1.2498. About 1 pips on the other side might be all that is needed to at least temporarily invalidate the entire view.

What we see happening here is this pair has reversed since the strong spike north. I featured this pair in my Weekly Forecast this past week. It should continue its southern journey to the chart S where the candles traveled east. I'm still expecting it to be broken, and then head to the MS2/WS1 cluster event, as per the Weekly Forecast. More and more, that area looks rock solid. That will probably be my trigger to go long

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Well-Known Member
Am just tired of waiting for the weekly divergences in the Euro pairs to play out... sigh !

OTOH... GBP/CAD.. bounce off the weekly cloud and the magnetism of the daily cloud ..will it work out.

PS: even the NZD/CHF short ..waiting.... !!!
Hills, in trending markets like these have been the reason I don't put a lot of credence in divergences.
Also, check it live. Genuine divergences are created after price action forced it.

When the trends reverse, watch what will happen on the stochastics, especially on the hourly and down. The stochastics will go racing upwards, create an OB condition, but price will not respond.

In 2004 I had 2 silent mentors, The Great One, Max McKegg, and Action Forex. 2 key things Action Forex taught me without saying anything was to watch for divergence, it is legitimate, but to remember price action created it. If price action reverses about the time the divergence was created, then leave it alone.
In lieu of this, AF also taught me some things have to be anticipated, and using a confluence of the entire methodology, those things can be anticipated.

AF's favorite oscillator is the MACD. I could not figure out why they put so much trust in divergences, when the possess the properties as described, and yet, they have been so accurate.

I never copied Action Forex, but if you read closely their forecasts, you will notice a similarity in their style and mine.
They have have silently mentored me, but I still think my methodology is better than theirs--lol.

Am just tired of waiting for the weekly divergences in the Euro pairs to play out... sigh !

OTOH... GBP/CAD.. bounce off the weekly cloud and the magnetism of the daily cloud ..will it work out.

PS: even the NZD/CHF short ..waiting.... !!!
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