Some of my forecasts

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I think eventually the market will turn and head lower. Even those points we pointed out could be broken. WE could come very close to the YR1 at 1.3519. That would end up being the peak for the year.

So that means sir a strong resistance created while bearish trending is a more important level to watch that a support being created and the getting toasted moving down ! and vice versa !
Re: Dija

SAif, I know I said somewhere the market is headed to circa 12600. Nothing will change until we get there.

This market till cracks me up. People want to compare Nifty with it, when it is near it's all-time high, and Nifty is about 60% from the low to the high.
Sir the daily chart is nicely trending up ! holded well above the tenken but the kinjun has turned flat there and I am worried when it can pull the trigger for the rubber band effect ! the momentum was overbought last week and it is going down with some divergence on the daily time frame for this index so I was getting a little anxious on where if we can make it to 12600 !
Re: Ichi KISS

Someone also asked me if daytrading is so good, then why are so many people against it.
The answer is simple. You're not talking to the right people. Either they have their personal biases (Nothing wrong with that.), and they prefer positional trading, and so their dogma is to infuse that concept (Which is a problem, because we are all different.)
The other type are the ones who have failed, and they believe there is no way to be successful and daytrade.
The ones you need to talk to are the ones who are successful doing it with no ulterior motive. They are the guiding lights, and we do have a few of those right here in this forum.
Sir I personally feel that the mental discipline plays a very good part in types of trading! for me day trading is best and the most profitable but involves a greater risk. and swing trading is also fine for me like now If I were trading forex pairs I would look for long entry positions on eur/aud and eur/nzd and after some days if i come back it should surely be in good amount of pips. Sir you said that you were day trading for the last 3 weeks but we had such a good bearish trending move in some pairs I am amazed you didn't ride them !there is a theory a very famous theory The efficient-market hypothesis that states numerous experts report success through technical analysis and fundamental analysis, which are unlikely for long terms many economists and academics state that because of the efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) it is unlikely that any amount of analysis can help make any gains above the market one has an advantage in predicting a return on price because no one has access to information not already available to everyone else. In efficient markets, prices become not predictable but random, so no pattern can be discerned. A planned approach to investment, therefore, cannot be successful.

I am sure they must not be knowing about you lol
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Re: Dija

Saif, it is your trade. You have to make that decision. Just because that is the forecast, it does not mean it has to be traded that way.

Sir the daily chart is nicely trending up ! holded well above the tenken but the kinjun has turned flat there and I am worried when it can pull the trigger for the rubber band effect ! the momentum was overbought last week and it is going down with some divergence on the daily time frame for this index so I was getting a little anxious on where if we can make it to 12600 !
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