Some of my forecasts

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Re: Rcom

T4J, that is subject to much conjecture. In looking at your daily chart, I can assume the weekly is still under the cloud, and most likely under the kijun, and should be close by the tenken. Assuming all that is right, then momentum needs be evaluated. If that 2nd R is close to the weekly kijun, then that will make for some solid R.
Another thing to consider is how far is the candle floating above the 4-hour cloud? There may be a need for it to correct, and particularly if it is close to the weekly tenken.
BTW T4J, excellent posts on your part. I think you have added additional believability to the ichimoku indicator. I had no idea the move had already completed when you posted the chart. It just goes to prove how effectual the indicator really is by using the whole indicator.

Yes, market touched 1st resistance today itself :thumb:

From ichimoku chart how we will come to know whether it will correct or go for up move?
Re: Ichi KISS

Saif, I also see this is a continued conversation from the KISS concept. Everyone here knows I have been wrong occasionally on my forecasts, and I have made some losing trades. The rule will always be if we use the ichimoku to its fullest and / or our trading methodology, then we will be gainful, and we have the advantage over the markets. Again the markets will only go up or down. How much more of an advantage should we have when we have a proper methodology to ascertain that?
I know the inventor of the KISS concept is now silently watching all my posts. I hope you understand it is not to be confrontational, but it is an effort to get everyone to see that if you use the ichimoku, then use it as the holistic indicator it was meant to be. You are trading handicapped if you don't.

Saif, I actually made more money in these past 3 1/2 weeks than if I did by jumping in the trend and just staying with it all the way. I just about hobby horsed the EUR/AUD and the EUR/USD. For the most part I was able to exit at optimum levels, then reenter at more optimized levels. That increases the equity on a daily basis, and so each trade's position size is also increased.

For the uninitiated, I got into it with someone about daytrading. He was serious, but we had a friendly conversation about it. He said the reason I held my positions for days, is because there is no way to win by daytrading. It is too risky.
Yes!!!! I love a good challenge! (Forget you guys that want me to scalp. It ain't happenin'.) I said, "Fine! I'm going on a daytrading spree, and if it will help you to understand you can be a winner under all conditions, then I'll day trade." I do enjoy it. I might just stick with it now.
I did have 2 losing trades today. That gives me 4 losing trades in the last 3 1/2 weeks. I had over 30 trades in that time. My broker's happy-- banging off the spreads and all.

BTW, the talk is not meant to sound conceited. It is designed that when everyone comes to "Some of my forecasts", they will leave here with the attitude of, "Yes! I can be the best there is. It doesn't matter what the markets have to say if what kind of FA information is out there. I can make money in these markets under any condition."
I sincerely get a rush when the aura of positive principles are proven over and over again.

Sir I personally feel that the mental discipline plays a very good part in types of trading! for me day trading is best and the most profitable but involves a greater risk. and swing trading is also fine for me like now If I were trading forex pairs I would look for long entry positions on eur/aud and eur/nzd and after some days if i come back it should surely be in good amount of pips. Sir you said that you were day trading for the last 3 weeks but we had such a good bearish trending move in some pairs I am amazed you didn't ride them !there is a theory a very famous theory The efficient-market hypothesis that states numerous experts report success through technical analysis and fundamental analysis, which are unlikely for long terms many economists and academics state that because of the efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) it is unlikely that any amount of analysis can help make any gains above the market one has an advantage in predicting a return on price because no one has access to information not already available to everyone else. In efficient markets, prices become not predictable but random, so no pattern can be discerned. A planned approach to investment, therefore, cannot be successful.

I am sure they must not be knowing about you lol


Well-Known Member
Eur/Nzd has had a spectacular pull-back in the last 12 to 15 hours.

Doesn't it seem like another downward move now?
LTT, it's headed higher. Expect the follwoing R's along the way.

1.6268--Daily Tenken and 1.6286, WP
1.6398-- Daily DOWN TL
1.6674-- Daily kijun
Watch for a strong reaction and reversal around 1.7012.
I had jumped in a short a little after I posted here, and gathered quite some pips :)


Well-Known Member
Nice! I'm very surprised to see the sudden reversal today. I posted losing trades on the EUR/AUD and the USD/CHF today.
There are times when I trade by the gut, and this was one of them.
Yes, many of them were losing trades - since it was a gut trade - maybe my acidic reflux burnt them.

The last time, almost a month ago, when we had started discussing the Aud crosses, I had noticed a pattern in Gbp/Aud and that had sent the pair down.

Today I noticed a similar pattern (candlesticks) in the Eur/Nzd, and wanted to take chance, so jumped in.

Thankfully, no acidic reflux :lol:
LOL. I try and keep my gut out of things. All that went wrong today was that I was wrong in determining the right direction of both markets.
Yes, it just happens that way at times.

There are times when I trade by the gut, and this was one of them.
Yes, many of them were losing trades - since it was a gut trade - maybe my acidic reflux burnt them.

The last time, almost a month ago, when we had started discussing the Aud crosses, I had noticed a pattern in Gbp/Aud and that had sent the pair down.

Today I noticed a similar pattern (candlesticks) in the Eur/Nzd, and wanted to take chance, so jumped in.

Thankfully, no acidic reflux :lol:
About the Kiss concept

I am the person who posted the Kiss concept so I guess I can take the bait and bite. First let me say that I don't want to hijack your thread and also from viewing your thread you appear to be a very good and educated trader. I really don't know how I got dragged into this but here I am to clear a few things up. Not here to argue since it's not my personality! Traders need to be sticking together and helping each other.
Secondly let me tell you that I have no e-book, webinars or anything that people or traders can buy from me. I get satisfaction from just being able to help someone else learn how to trade and that's why I have a youtube page which is free of course.
When I posted the Kiss concept I was just showing things and ideas for people to look at and maybe use in there trading. I also posted about trading naked with just support and resistance levels. Showed how to use fractal levels for trading. Showed how to use a 1 to 1 ratio with A+B = C+D. Showed how to use Fibonacci retracements. Showed how to use moving averages and other things if you get what I'm pointing too.
There is more than one way to trade and traders have to find out what works or what style they enjoy trading.
I also showed live trades of the way that I trade which is the Ichimoku system just to show that I do the things that I am telling others. my trading style is Ichimoku with support and resistance levels. I use the clouds to tell me the sentiment of the market and I trade in the direction of that sentiment. I also use the cloud as support and resistance and love the Kumo breaks. I usually do not enter on TK Crosses but rather support and resistance levels on pullbacks and fractal levels. I use whatever is in my arsenal to take the market down. I also use those levels to exit trades so I plan my trade before it even happens along with profit levels and stops but most importantly my money management. I'm not the greatest trader but I know more than a beginner so if I can help a new trader from blowing his account like I did on my first go around then I like doing that. I enjoy trading be it scalping, day trading or swing trading. I'm a better swing trader than scalper so that's my style right now. You I see enjoy day trading so that's what works for you. Each persons mentality and personality are different so for people that might be impatient than they might do better with scalping than swing trading. I don't knock you for who you are as a trader cause that's who you are. I'm not so arrogant where I couldn't say that I probably could learn some things from you also. Basically there aren't enough people to associate with who do use Ichimoku so sometimes it's a lonely day trading! Guess I babbled on long enough but just wanted to get the record straight. Keep on doing your thing as you seem good at it so have a great day and God bless!
Weekly Review--010812

EUR/USD: It appears there will be more of the same for this pair this week, except it could be tempering its attitude a little. The following week, it should start showing signs of exhaustion, and then the huge reversal will be imminent. For this week, a correction could be seen to the hourly bottom of the cloud at 1.2820. The WR1 is 1.2822, so that will make for a nice containment area. It would still pay to watch for a reaction once arrived at that point. We have a chance of the WR2 at 1.2925.

The rally stopped exactly half way between the WR1 and WR2 at 1.2877

USD/JPY: This pair is boring me to death. Its almost like when I know I have to forecast it, I cringe. The low down is simple. I will say this. When it does break out, it could catch us all napping. When there is a double-digit range for the week, its not good.
Okay, enough dirty laundry. We head to the WS2 at 76.55, and then the WR2 at 77.35. Some excitement could begin for this pair if the WS2 is taken out convincingly.

Things are getting worse for this pair as it was the worse performing week in the history of it76.7677.03 for a 27-pip spread for the week.

GBP/USD: Similar to its cousin, the EUR/USD, we are getting close to a MT correction. By the looks of things, this pairs move south could be over this week, especially if the WS2 at 1.5264 is hit. That is the favored scenario with the bottom of the 4-hour cloud WR1 combo at 1.5506 capping off the move north this week.

A strong spike, one hour from the close of the week took the pair to 1.5232, and the move north was capped off 6 pips short at .15500.

USD/CHF: With the break of the weekly cloud, it means this pair is heading higher. It still forewarns that in 3-4 weeks a big drop is due. What is now a bearish cloud will drop even lower which will tip the pairs altimeter. At the beginning of the week, expect a correction back to the WS1 at .9473, and then it will shove it in gear for the WR2 at .9703. Im expecting another circa 200-point move north from there before we see the MT reversal.

The dip was a little further than I thought as it missed the WS2 (.9399) by 7 pips and only peaked at .9594.

EUR/CHF: This pair is behaving similarly to the USD/JPY. Watch for the WR2 and the WS2 at 1.2181 and 1.2113 respectively. It will probably head south to start the week.

The peak was only 1.2159, 6 pips short of the WR!, and then it reversed and finally broke into the 1.2000s, as the dip was 1.2079

AUD/USD: This pair is making things even more interesting for the Aussie crosses. While most of the USD pairs, the USD looks strong, against the AUD the USD still looks weak. There is going to be very solid MT containment at 1.0484, and it still appears that level is going to be hit, before the reversal. For this week the daily kijun appears to be solid containment at 1.0123, which is also the WS2 . From there the move north should land at the WR1 at 1.0282, and maybe the WR2 at 1.0333.

The daily kijun was solid containment as price was cared off 19 pips short of it at 1.0142. The pair promptly reversed and even broke the WR2 and headed to the peak at 1.0377. As it turned out the Aussie was the strongest performing single currency of the week.

USD/CAD: This pair has been in a large consolidation pattern since the recent MT peak was established at 1.0657 in the week of Oct. 7. This should confirm that at least this week the pair is headed higher. We should start this week with a ST consolidative pattern that will lead the pair to the MR1 at 1.0309 first, and then well see a reversal to the WS1 at 1.0224, and then the final reversal takes the pair to circa WR2 at 1.0400.

The pair took off north just 9 pips beyond the MR1 as the peak was 1.0318, then the reversal headed lower than expected to the dip at 1.0138. When the next reversal ensued, because of the dip being deeper, the final move fell short of the WR2 as it reached 1.0282.

NZD/USD: This pair is now at a point that it leaves in forecaster at a point of using interpretive skills of price action rather than strict forecasting. Having said that, and provided I have a good read on what is actually going on, /the dip that ended last week should continue to the circa MP at .7772 and WS1 at .7757 area. After that move has been completed the move should take the pair higher, even though it is preparing for a stronger MT drop. This weeks peak could be the WR2 at .7895.
BTW, the S&Rs have been getting tighter for 6 consecutive weeks. This should all be leading up to a tightened channel that will lead to the explosive break south.

The week had to be contained at the WR3 (.7971) at .7979. The continued move south that started the week did halt one pips short of the MP as the dip was .7773.

EUR/GBP: The drop continues as per my MT forecast. Ive been saying for quite awhile we are headed to the bottom of the daily cloud at .8167, and since the new year started I added the YS1 at .8111 as an additional target. Needless to say, it is still on the radar. The depth of the channels and the implications with the clouds on all TFs are such to not even think of heading north with this pair. It is the hourly bottom of the cloud at .8266 that should contain this weeks price action, and allowing for a spike to the WR1 at .8279. OTT, it is straight south. We are getting close to the reversal. This week the pair has its eye on the WS2 at .8170, and possibly the WS3 at .8110. Notice the similarities with the MT outlook.

This week the pair took a break from the trip south and hit the peak at .8373, but reversal was sharp with a high-low spread on Friday of 100 pips (Thats huge for this pair. Just look at the size of the daily candle by comparison to the rest.

EUR/JPY: The WS1 at 97.21 should be used as a decision point this week. If that is broken convincingly, then we could be on an all out sprint to the YS1 at 93.03. For now, well say the WS1 contains, and if that is the case, then it makes the WR1 at 98.53 an easy target, and then we could get to the WR2 at 99.20 with some strong effort.

The high and low was accomplished on Friday as the candle engulfed the whole week98.8097.18.

GBP/JPY: This weeks WS2 at 117.81 is going to provide very strong S. If it is broken, it will come with all the bells and whistles. Its doubtful it is going to happen as it should contain. If the DOWN continues at the beginning of the week, then it should be a huge flag once we dip under 118.00.

A look at the hourly chart will show the candle 2 hours from the close of the week. That huge wick is your bells and whistles as it broke the WS2 and headed to 117.27.

EUR/AUD: Watch for the WS1 at 1.2354 and MS2 at 1.2357 area to provide very strong S. That could be the area we get a reprieve from the sharp downtrend and see the MT reversal begin. MT, we could be on our way back to 1.3158, which is the YR1.

The pair peaked at 1.2503 then kept falling to the dip at 1.2297

Note: Ill keep this pair on the Weekly Forecast until the MT reversal is official. At least that is the plan for now.
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