Some of my forecasts

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Weekly Review--011512

EUR/USD: With the strong reversal last week, this pair will keep us in suspense as to just when the MT reversal will be. It is expected to see the pair continue to the WS2 at 1.2534 this week. There is a possibility it could continue to the mid1.2400s, but if the WS2 contains, then we should see the pair peak at the WR1 at 1.2743.

We got the answer. The MT reversal began this week. The WR1 was hit with ease, as the dip at 1.2625 did not hit the WS1. The peak was 1.2985.

GBP/USD: This pair is very close to make an even strong move south. All of a sudden, 1.5567 is not only MT containment, but it is almost unattainable for a long time. This week any shot of moving higher will be limited to the WR1 at 1.5389 or possibly the WR2 at 1.5463. Watch for 1.5031 over coming weeks. If that is taken out convincingly, then the low at 1.3503 established in Jan. 09 is on the radar.

I missed this one. To make a long story short, there was an element of the possible reversal that I missed. The 1.5567 level was hit this week, as it closed at 1.5572.

USD/CHF: I mentioned last week that we should be seeing a move (Words to that effect.) to the low-.9900s. Last week strong ending further confirmed that. The WS1 is .9467, and that may not be hit this week, as the pair should be marching on to the WR2 at .9463 and could be higher.

Nothing has changed concerning the MT outlook, but the market did pull back this week. It peaked at .9574, 4 pips on the other side of the WR1, and then reversed sharply to the dip at .9305.

EUR/CHF: The WR1-hourly kijun combo at 1.2095 might be containment this week as we should see the move south continue to the WS2 at 1.2014.

Like the USD/JPY, this pair is putting me to sleep. Range for the week was 1.21281.2065all of 63 pips. Last week is my last week featuring this pair until it sparks some life.

AUD/USD: As of this writing, the WS1 at 1.0253 was hit. Provided it contains, then we will have one last leg north, as from that point the R zone from 1.04451.0495 will be hit this week. If it is pierced convincingly then we head to the WS2 at 1.0189, and the broad range consolidation continues.

The week finished in the R zone, as the peak was 1.0488 and the close was 1.0483. The dip was 1.0232.

USD/CAD: The favored MT scenario is for the UP to continue and eventually take out the recent top at 1.0657. As of this writing, the WR1 at 1.0281 was already hit, and we had a strong reversal back to the WP. It appears the consolidative process is going to continue. The WS2-daily TL combo at 1.0134 needs to hold or the MT outlook changes drastically.

The peak was 1.0282, and then the reversal took off to the dip at 1.0070. Stay tuned!

NZD/USD: As of this writing, the WS1 at .7885 was hit, and we had a sharp reversal. As long as the WS1 holds, then we should be in the middle of the final leg north. The WR2 at .8045 will be hit, and if broken, it will clear the way to .8106. Im now looking for that crica area to contain before the big move south.

The dip was the WS1 exactly, and the reversal took the pair to the peak at .8080, rgith in between the .8045--.8106 level.

EUR/GBP: Last weeks strong bearish finish did not disappoint, as this pair is headed to .8167, as that circa area will be the negotiating point for the drive that will head north the rest of the year. A strong drop this week to the WS2 at .8186, and even a little lower could help bring an end to the trip south.

I missed this one, but it did end the week with a sharp reversal going south after hitting the peak at .8377. The dip was .8253.

EUR/JPY: Last week strong reversal has now put the WS2 at 96.63 for this week virtually on the radar. The drop should go lower towards the MS2 at 96.12, and even the WS3 at 95.90.

The WS1 at 97.08 contained as the dip was 1 pips under it, then it took off to the peak at 100.01.

GBP/JPY: The strong bearish finish last week has forced this pair to turn the corner, as it was key in determining a future directive for it. The WS2 at 116.84 is on the radar and a further drop to the WS3-MS3 at 116.01, 115.97 could also be seen. MT, the YS1 at 113.01 is now on the radar. After a bounce from that area, well see the drop continue to the YS2 at 106.53. Overall, it is going south for the entire year.

The dip was 117.36, one pip above the WS1, and then it was a strong reversal to the peak at 119.94

EUR/AUD: Its hard to believe this pair is dipping deeper yet. The WS1 at 1.2231 will be hit this week, and the WS2 at 1.2147 could also be bit. The pair does forewarn to keep the stops close as it is due for the huge reversal. The longer it waits, the bigger it will be.

The WS1 was hit as the dip was 1.2226, and then the reversal candle was formed on the weekly as the peak was 1.2462.
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Weekly S&R's--012212

R3 r2 r1 s1 s2 s3
eur/usd 1.3302 1.3135 1.3034 1.2832 1.2731 1.2564
gbp/usd 1.5879 1.5740 1.5656 1.5488 1.5404 1.5265
usd/chf 0.9611 0.9489 0.9415 0.9267 0.9193 0.9071
aud/usd 1.0745 1.0626 1.0555 1.0411 1.0340 1.0221
USD/CAD 1.0306 1.0223 1.0174 1.0074 1.0025 0.9942
nzd/usd 0.8426 0.8369 0.8335 0.8267 0.8233 0.8176
eur/gbp 0.8426 0.8369 0.8335 0.8267 0.8233 0.8176
eur/jpy 103.00 101.46 100.53 98.67 97.74 96.20
gbp/jpy 122.62 121.40 120.67 119.21 118.48 117.26
eur/aud 1.2571 1.2463 1.2398 1.2268 1.2203 1.2095
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BTW, even though I eliminated, at least temporarily, the USD/JPY and EUR/CHF from my Weekly Forecast, I would still post an analysis of it if someone just had to have it. I'm not scared of the pairs (I'm laughing thinking about that.). It's just they are moving so slow these days, they're not worth considering.

Even though I'm open to analysis on any market (including the weather--lol), my Weekly Forecast contains my personal, and in trading forex, they are mostly the most popular pairs.


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much Sir.
Your posts have always been very helpful.



Well-Known Member
It's always enjoyable. It's always a pleasure. Thank-you for your kind words, Gauharjk.
HI 4xp,

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Columbus, try going to They have your reggae and a lot more. It's actually quite an amazing site when you consider how much music they offer. is an excellent site for setting up a radio listening environment. You type in your artist, and it will play constantly music related to the artist you typed in.

HI 4xp,

Apart from market,I like Reggie Music (My favourite artists being Bob Marley, UB40....).But the problem is we hardly find any Reggie song.In Telugu Cinema Industry one music director by name Ramana Gogula is there,few of his songs ,saw traces of Reggie.(He was in US for a sometime and in-charge of Asia pacific region of Sybase, if my memory serves well.)
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