Some of my forecasts

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Hi Raj! Where have you been. I thought that name look familiar. I just wasn't sure, though--lol.

I'm not too happy with the USD/JPY. It's given a weekly high low spread of less than 100 the last 9 of 10 weeks. So, when it wakes up and starts showing us some pips, then it can join us again in the Weekly Forecast. Until then, it can just sit on the sidelines and watch the action--lol.

The last few weeks, I was riding the EUR/USD and EUR/AUD to death. I've been spreading my loves around a little more this week. I got a nice short on the AUD/CHF.

Hi Paul,

I think Yen pairs are not happy with you. They want u to add in their forecast :) :cool:

How is ur trading going on.

Hi Raj! Where have you been. I thought that name look familiar. I just wasn't sure, though--lol.

I'm not too happy with the USD/JPY. It's given a weekly high low spread of less than 100 the last 9 of 10 weeks. So, when it wakes up and starts showing us some pips, then it can join us again in the Weekly Forecast. Until then, it can just sit on the sidelines and watch the action--lol.

The last few weeks, I was riding the EUR/USD and EUR/AUD to death. I've been spreading my loves around a little more this week. I got a nice short on the AUD/CHF.
I am trading but at a little slower pace as time has became a big concern to me so I limit it to 2 days per week. I am the one whom u use to teach me Ichimoku and trendlines. I am doing fine with them.

I am riding EUR/USD nicely as off now. As my first target would be 1.31656. Looks very far though :)

As for silver, I am looking it to hit 33.60.



Well-Known Member
Paul...whats with all the GBP pairs .. I mean one day they are up then they are down... is it a transition phase before they go long ( some atleast still have to ) .. ?

Similarly whats with the Yen today...?.. long lasting ?
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