Some of my forecasts

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Re: Hindalco

I'd like to say, but only in a constructive way that RK's charts have been most helpful in reviewing markets I have no charts for. In analyzing just the ichimoku, I like to use the different TF's as a confluence. I always have a conceptual idea of that the other TF's are saying once I look at one TF, but in order to have the best advantage in giving an analysis of the markets, it is best to see all the TF's.

There is going to be very solid S at 129.22, which is a confluence of the daily kijun, top of the daily cloud, and weekly tenken. If price makes it that far, then there will be plenty of effort to get back in the trend, because price action will be thoroughly buried under the hourly cloud, and so all the equilibrium components will come into play.
Because of the current level meeting up with the weekly kijun, it could be containment for awhile, and bring on this correction. After the correction is complete, then look for the resumption of the UP towards the part where the cloud in the past at circa 162.



Well-Known Member
Re: Hindalco

I'd like to say, but only in a constructive way that RK's charts have been most helpful in reviewing markets I have no charts for. In analyzing just the ichimoku, I like to use the different TF's as a confluence. I always have a conceptual idea of that the other TF's are saying once I look at one TF, but in order to have the best advantage in giving an analysis of the markets, it is best to see all the TF's.

There is going to be very solid S at 129.22, which is a confluence of the daily kijun, top of the daily cloud, and weekly tenken. If price makes it that far, then there will be plenty of effort to get back in the trend, because price action will be thoroughly buried under the hourly cloud, and so all the equilibrium components will come into play.
Because of the current level meeting up with the weekly kijun, it could be containment for awhile, and bring on this correction. After the correction is complete, then look for the resumption of the UP towards the part where the cloud in the past at circa 162.
thank you very much for u r words on hindalco

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I don't remember if I posted in this thread or not concerning the dip on this market.
The chart shows why a firm break of 12581 was needed to confirm the downtrend. It shows what happens when violating that simple TL rule.
This market is still worth watching. After it is done peaking, and it is close, it will be done for the rest of the year.


Well-Known Member
RK's charts have been most helpful in reviewing markets
Thanks for the encouragement sir. I had always been striving to learn about the market and when i read chart patterns i was very excited. I tried for find various patterns in most of the charts and in many cases i found how these charts were found working in format of my eyes. But there was no sound method to find out where should be the entry or exit. This remained a big puzzle as I was not able to find out the momentum and could not take any trading decision. Then came your ichimoku series d it looked fine. So I combined all the posts of the series in a separate word file with discussions as side notes on the same. I looked upon each time frame and was trying to interpret Supports and resistances in different timeframes. Like in Hindalco it self all time frames indicate correction of the upmove and we can see that upto upper edge of the cloud in Daily. If we see price between Oct. and Dec. we find a channel breakout and the target should be 160/-. Similarly if we see Tatamotors Chart we find inverse H&S pattern with target of around 270 after breakout from 207. In none of these breakouts have been tested yet . Now these are some of the components of Nifty and upmove in these is surely going to push nifty upwards after slight correction. This is not in agreement with the nifty chart. On the nifty chart if we see period from Oct 2010 till first week of August the pattern was that of a descending triangle with target of 4100-4200. This should take around 9 months to pan out from august - so April or May should be the outer timeline.
So looking at the individual components of Nifty it seems that downside has got capped without meeting target for the pattern breakout. So it seems that this is very puzzling time for taking decision of further moves. However this will definitely be most important lesson in learning in these time. It may happen that some of the components of nifty those never broke in the last move may be the ones what bring it down with corrective moves in ones that were beaten down and now showing upmove. Help from you seniors will definitely be most important for us in the quest for learning
RK, I'm glad things are coming along for you. I've got 2 basic desires in being in this forum-- to learn and to teach. One is just as rewarding as the other.

Concerning the 4 TF's you post. I'm still at a handicap in forecasting those markets I do not have a chart for. But, with the basic ichimoku and stochastics plotted on the chart, I still have the very basics of what I need, and it even helps in the furtherance of the series on ichimoku I have been doing.
I also wanted to subtly direct that comment to Kiranjakka, as both of us would be mutually benefited by plotting all 4 TF's. I benefit, because I like my forecasts to be as accurate as possible, regardless of the market. After all, this is not just my job, but a hobby. She would also benefit by a more accurate analysis, whether the case is just looking for an analysis to ascertain an entry, or for confirmation of her own.

Nifty has been rather puzzling. I never thought the weekly would have its way completely, but the market would never have gotten back to the heights it is now if that was not the case. Still, I've already said it that when it does reverse, it will explode.

Thanks for the encouragement sir. I had always been striving to learn about the market and when i read chart patterns i was very excited. I tried for find various patterns in most of the charts and in many cases i found how these charts were found working in format of my eyes. But there was no sound method to find out where should be the entry or exit. This remained a big puzzle as I was not able to find out the momentum and could not take any trading decision. Then came your ichimoku series d it looked fine. So I combined all the posts of the series in a separate word file with discussions as side notes on the same. I looked upon each time frame and was trying to interpret Supports and resistances in different timeframes. Like in Hindalco it self all time frames indicate correction of the upmove and we can see that upto upper edge of the cloud in Daily. If we see price between Oct. and Dec. we find a channel breakout and the target should be 160/-. Similarly if we see Tatamotors Chart we find inverse H&S pattern with target of around 270 after breakout from 207. In none of these breakouts have been tested yet . Now these are some of the components of Nifty and upmove in these is surely going to push nifty upwards after slight correction. This is not in agreement with the nifty chart. On the nifty chart if we see period from Oct 2010 till first week of August the pattern was that of a descending triangle with target of 4100-4200. This should take around 9 months to pan out from august - so April or May should be the outer timeline.
So looking at the individual components of Nifty it seems that downside has got capped without meeting target for the pattern breakout. So it seems that this is very puzzling time for taking decision of further moves. However this will definitely be most important lesson in learning in these time. It may happen that some of the components of nifty those never broke in the last move may be the ones what bring it down with corrective moves in ones that were beaten down and now showing upmove. Help from you seniors will definitely be most important for us in the quest for learning
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