Some of my forecasts

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I also wanted to subtly direct that comment to Kiranjakka, as both of us would be mutually benefited by plotting all 4 TF's. I benefit, because I like my forecasts to be as accurate as possible, regardless of the market. After all, this is not just my job, but a hobby. She would also benefit by a more accurate analysis, whether the case is just looking for an analysis to ascertain an entry, or for confirmation of her own....
Oh.. didn't know that Kiranjakka is a she...

It seems Friday is going to be correction day for many pairs, rather than strong continuation day, which is what Friday is most of the time.

This pair's WR3 is 1.0722 and the MR3 is 1.0744. That is the zenith for both the weekly and monthly. This area is also a key chart R, which is fresh. It makes for a nice reversal area that should make for at least a correction to 1.0436.
For the bigger picture, we can treat this as a decision point, as there is still a possibility of a rise to 1.0874.
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