Some of my forecasts

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Re: Weekly Forecast--021212

EUR/USD: With last weeks strong reversal, it may have signaled the end of the MT correction, which means my MT forecast would be off by close to 200 pips. That is still not confirmed, but what is confirmed is that the DOWN will continue this week. It is doubtful the WR1 at 1.3277 will be hit this week, but the correction will continue north to start the week. To the south, we have the WS2 at 1.3033 to look forward to. Watch for a reaction at that point. If we get too far past it, then were going to the low-1.2900s.

EUR/JPY: The move south that ended last week will go deeper this week. It does not appear it is ready to reverse, but may have entered an extended consolidation phase. Ideal containment is 101.21, but it could go to 100.78. Anything below the latter, and then it gets ugly for future direction.
In my opinion, EUR/JPY looks very strong and can continue to 105.35 before any kind of reversal.

EUR/USD looks poised and has hit the WR1. It does not look very strong, still can reverse back down anytime. I would like to enter into this little lower or higher but not at this level.

Re: Weekly Forecast--021212

Raj, in principle, I'm agreeing with you. I'm still not too pumped about the EUR/JPY heading north right now. I believe it is due another leg going south. The view on the EUR/USD being weak now, also matches up, because about the time the EUR/JPY reverses, the EUR/USD should be ready to go with it.

In my opinion, EUR/JPY looks very strong and can continue to 105.35 before any kind of reversal.

EUR/USD looks poised and has hit the WR1. It does not look very strong, still can reverse back down anytime. I would like to enter into this little lower or higher but not at this level.

The following was asked me in a PM:
"how are these daily weekly and montlhy P usefull "

This was in reference to my S&R's. If anyone is going to use the levels when I post them, then use them as a reference point. As an example, at least a temporary bull trend has started for the USD, so on pairs when the USD is the secondary currency, the R1's are a good containment point, and the S2's are a good target. The opposite is true if the USD is the primary approach.
There is also a methodological approach in using just them, but that is a can or worms I won't open up. The dedication for traders in their sole approach would be more room that is worth to be taken up. Also, the idea in an open forum is not to become enamored by one person's methodology, but for the mutual benefit of all.
Nevertheless, in my WF I mentioned many corrective moves that would transpire to start the week. That has already happened, and been contained by respective 1's.
Price Action--VI

It is also important to understand that swing lows and highs are not arbitrary. In other words you don't just pick a low or a high and consider that to be your point.
This is the 4-hour for the USD/CHF. I showed where the temptation for many would be to draw the line. You want a stand out hump or dip. That is the swing low or high.
Picture yourself in the mountains. You are up on top viewing the panorama. It's jaw-dropping gorgeous. What is one of many things that standout? It's the big peaks and dips in the mountain range. If you want to see the smaller peaks or dips, you have to get out your binoculars.
What's another thing you notice about rolling hills or mountainous ranges. Once a peak has been broken, it is definitely discernible a new peak was made. Let's say the absolute peak was hit. Now that range is going down. As you look to the east or west you noticed certain swing highs were broken by the descent of the current range, and it keeps going. The little insignificant ones had little bearing on the overall landscape.
That swing high is .9199. Watch what will happen if it is broken. You can look at my Weekly Forecast to see if the favored scenario is for this area to be broken, so when it is (Ah, just gave it away.) broken, watch the action.

BTW, certain candle formations signal reversals, and I have not even touched on that.

Comments, questions, disagreements?

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Price Action--VII

This is a live trade to show how this works even on lower TF's. My focus will continue to be hourly on up, mainly because I like to breathe.
What I should have done was added on the pullback. The reason is:
1. The swing low is obvious as noted by the horizontal line.
2. Look to the east and notice the candle that spiked under the line. That's all you need to signal the DOWN is headed further in accordance with the 15-min chart.

Later, I will also cover how to set the TP's and go more in depth with stops.

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Re: My two words of appreciation

Thanks, SH. There is still more to go on price action. There were some personal discoveries I made on that, and the pips are phenomenal. It's like microwave pips.

No doomsday for 2012. But the "what if's" are prepared for. I love the ichimoku. LOL, even Tucker and Romeo know that (Dave's laughing.). I want it to always be a part of my repertoire. But, just in case whatever might happen (I'm not predicting a thing.), I will always know how to draw a line at swing highs and lows. I will always have my S&R's. I will always know how to draw a proper TL.

BTW, always feel free to post questions, comment, and even disagree. I'm open to it all.
One more thing to you. In lieu of your Gann methodology, if you use static S&R's at all, plot mine on your chart. I'm not conceited, but I'll put mine up against any that are out there. The old-timers here know there is more to my S&R's than just a support or resistance, which is another thing that makes them so effective. If you want to put me to the test on this, name any market, I'll post last week's S&R's on the chart, and then you tell me if they are accurate.
I said all that for one reason. If you use static S&R's, then plot mine on your chart.
Pardon me for my super fast reply, had some issue with my ISP vendor.

I would love to test your style.

Let me spice up the challenge a little bit. Predict the S&R of USD/CHF for next 4 Hours, 16 Hours & for 1 Week. Let's have some fun :cool:

Here i want to know how to catch big rally from marked in weekly chart using ichimoku

* Chikou was above candles @ around 24
* It was in OS zone
* Anything else we can look @ ?

Now where it is going ?
To touch bottom of cloud in weekly?
Already in OB zone


Re: My two words of appreciation

SH, oooh yeah. We're playing in my ballpark now.
I posted the weeklies already, so you got this week's.
I posted the forecast for the USD/CHF in my Weekly Forecast.

I have an indicator that a simple click of the mouse automatically plots all my S&R's. The one thing I don't like about my indicator is the 4-hour S&R's are gaudy looking. They look about a mile thick.
The thick light blue line in the middle is the 4-hourP, which is the opening of the 4-hour candle, essentially. The three thick red lines are the 3 R's, and the 3 thick blue lines are the 3 S's.
The thin lines blue lines are the dailies. The light blue is the DP or the opening. Pictured is the DR1 on top, and the DS1 and 2 on the bottom.
We had a move south to the DS2, and then price action bounced strongly from there. Go to my WF and you will notice that exact move already forecasted. It should be north the rest of the week, but the dailies and 4-hours are always fun to follow with the journey.
The 4-hour S&R's expire at 10:30pm IST. The dailies at 2:30am IST. I'll try to remember at 10:30pm your time to post a new chart to show what the 4-hour S&R's will look at that time.

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Pardon me for my super fast reply, had some issue with my ISP vendor.

I would love to test your style.

Let me spice up the challenge a little bit. Predict the S&R of USD/CHF for next 4 Hours, 16 Hours & for 1 Week. Let's have some fun :cool:
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