Some of my forecasts

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With a reference to my previous post, the 8th insertion in the series, this is a perfect example to see how it will play out, as it is live.

Raj, we were seeing eye-to-eye on that. I just went long at 103.33.

As per my Weekly Forecast, the USD/JPY to circa 79.25. I'd like to see a topping out closer to 81.00, then it will give a more predictable and forceful move back south. I'm just tired of all the lethargic action we've seen from it in the last 6 months
This is why many of the markets are going through some volatile behavior right now. It is to shake the eastward movement the equilibrium is creating.

I don't know where both pairs are willing to go as The daily's of both the pairs are at its ultimate equilibrium where the candles are in between the tenken and the kinjun ! The top of the cloud hasn't been hit yet It has to but I would look for the daily kinjun to be the level that will push the pairs higher
Crude Oil

After the consolidative move above the weekly cloud, and then the impulsive move that followed, it is apparent we are headed back to 103.00. From 103.00--103.50 will be a deciding point for future price action. The favorable scenario is to see the market move higher, as circa 107.50 looks likely, MT. LT, the YR1 at 113.33 should be hit.
I mentioned in my Weekly Forecast this market has my WS2 at 1.5644 on the radar. The chart shows it was hit exactly. The trip south is not over, as I also mentioned it could head much lower. It is now undergoing a broader term correction (By intra-week standards.). Cluster R is in the 1.5764--1.5752 range, and then the journey back south should resume.

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