Some of my forecasts

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Re: Gbp/chf

This pair has not had a good start. Nothing will change unless the MR1 at 1.4509 is touched.

This pair is continuing lower. The WS2 at 1.4296 should be hit, and the 1st monthly objective, MS1 at 1.4279 should also be hit. The latter is also the exact level of the recent leveling of the cloud to the west. The pair could be headed lower, but that is what things look like for now.
Scorpio, I used to have the USD Index on my demo platform, but for whatever the reason, I don't now.
OTT, I don't trade options.
JMO, I don't think it is the best idea in the world to enter a trade, then ask is you should have been there after you are in. I don't mean to say that harshly, but rather in a constructive sense.
Hello ,

With all due respect and your experience i respect you and your words and i will not feel bad as i am here to learn :):) Actually I am confused :( Because I have incurred losses over period of time and even if think to enter and exit in shot margin i occur loss :( . So my morale is down now and it has happened in every trade when i have sold the share prices goes up :( can you please help me in this case

Thanks a lot
Scorpio, first, I can appreciate the fact you understand the spirit and true intent behind what I say. I'm the type that would want to be your friend, but I would want to tell you the truth first.

The best way, Scorpio, to avoid losses is just stay out of the markets. You need the right mental mindset for trading. Otherwise, you will just hand over to the markets everything down to your last cent. When you don't have a methodology to trade by and a systematic approach to the markets, you are really gambling instead of trading. In gambling you have a 50/50 chance. Add in the mental malfunctions (With regards to trading.), and you are down to 25% chance. Therefore, what you really have rather than a systematic approach to making a mint from the markets, you have a systematic approach to totally decimating your entire net worth.

So, for you first lesson.
Sit back. Take a deep breath. Ask to be excused from the traders' table and develop a methodology to trade by.

Concerning it is your hard earned money at stake, you should always be able to tell me exactly why and how you entered the trade, and at any given time you should be able to enunciate exactly the conditions, what you expect from the position, and exactly what is your plan B. Until you get to that point, you are not ready to trade. Take my word for it!

The best advice you can be given is not what to do after you are in the trade, but develop a methodology to trade by, so with confidence you can enter the trade and create your own personal fortune (over the long haul). When someone makes a forecast, it's okay to try and see what they see, but don't use it to base your decision on. Let's take the GBP/CHF that I posted yesterday, as it is the perfect example. What if you just took my word for it based on face value? Can you withstand a 70-pip ride in reverse? You can't take a trade based on someone else's here say.

Here's the good part. If you are determined to develop a personal methodology, then develop money management skills, and then after you are in the markets, develop the mind discipline, then you will have the rest of your life to reap the rewards. Treat as a business and not with a gamblers' mentality. I was 48 when I started (I'm 55 now.). I paid my dues. I invested copious hours to develop a sound methodology. Yes, I worked for free for many hours/ days/ months. I promise you it was worth it.

So, like I said, relax. Get your live money out of the markets before you lose it all. Hang out. Ask questions. Make comments. Start working on a plan to approach the markets with. Regardless your age, you'll look back and be glad you did.

Hello ,

With all due respect and your experience i respect you and your words and i will not feel bad as i am here to learn :):) Actually I am confused :( Because I have incurred losses over period of time and even if think to enter and exit in shot margin i occur loss :( . So my morale is down now and it has happened in every trade when i have sold the share prices goes up :( can you please help me in this case

Thanks a lot
Pirate, where have you been!?
We were serving up pips all week long. They were getting passed around like candy, and you missed out.
Anyway, good to hear from you. I hope all is well.
Hello sir everything's fine how are you? I am sitting in a cyber cafe my internet's down from 15 days and I am going crazy . and it will take a week more to get it back lol I know I missed a lot of pips and learning. was just reading all the posts I missed . I have been back testing charts couldn't find anythinging better to do lol. will get back on 15th
Scorpio, first, I can appreciate the fact you understand the spirit and true intent behind what I say. I'm the type that would want to be your friend, but I would want to tell you the truth first.

The best way, Scorpio, to avoid losses is just stay out of the markets. You need the right mental mindset for trading. Otherwise, you will just hand over to the markets everything down to your last cent. When you don't have a methodology to trade by and a systematic approach to the markets, you are really gambling instead of trading. In gambling you have a 50/50 chance. Add in the mental malfunctions (With regards to trading.), and you are down to 25% chance. Therefore, what you really have rather than a systematic approach to making a mint from the markets, you have a systematic approach to totally decimating your entire net worth.

So, for you first lesson.
Sit back. Take a deep breath. Ask to be excused from the traders' table and develop a methodology to trade by.

Concerning it is your hard earned money at stake, you should always be able to tell me exactly why and how you entered the trade, and at any given time you should be able to enunciate exactly the conditions, what you expect from the position, and exactly what is your plan B. Until you get to that point, you are not ready to trade. Take my word for it!

The best advice you can be given is not what to do after you are in the trade, but develop a methodology to trade by, so with confidence you can enter the trade and create your own personal fortune (over the long haul). When someone makes a forecast, it's okay to try and see what they see, but don't use it to base your decision on. Let's take the GBP/CHF that I posted yesterday, as it is the perfect example. What if you just took my word for it based on face value? Can you withstand a 70-pip ride in reverse? You can't take a trade based on someone else's here say.

Here's the good part. If you are determined to develop a personal methodology, then develop money management skills, and then after you are in the markets, develop the mind discipline, then you will have the rest of your life to reap the rewards. Treat as a business and not with a gamblers' mentality. I was 48 when I started (I'm 55 now.). I paid my dues. I invested copious hours to develop a sound methodology. Yes, I worked for free for many hours/ days/ months. I promise you it was worth it.

So, like I said, relax. Get your live money out of the markets before you lose it all. Hang out. Ask questions. Make comments. Start working on a plan to approach the markets with. Regardless your age, you'll look back and be glad you did.
Thanks a lot . I would like to clear things here that me and my friend are trading and he is working as Investment Banker in the firm so he tell me and i am just just learning about trading world . SO i trade on his tips
That's fine, but then you see what "tips" will do.

You have actually made a very valid point, inasmuch you have proven you cannot trust anyone, no matter who they are.
You can learn from anyone, but trust no one when it comes to your personal trading decisions.

Thanks a lot . I would like to clear things here that me and my friend are trading and he is working as Investment Banker in the firm so he tell me and i am just just learning about trading world . SO i trade on his tips
That's fine, but then you see what "tips" will do.

You have actually made a very valid point, inasmuch you have proven you cannot trust anyone, no matter who they are.
You can learn from anyone, but trust no one when it comes to your personal trading decisions.
OK fine :) I will keep this in Mind . So what can i Do now to learn about market and how to read charts . Where to invest and when is correct time . Long list of Question ...... :D
Hi Paul Sir.... The following is Reliance Infrastructure's 2min Chart.... Was following it live.... Initially we had a bullish 1-2-3 marked as Purple.... but at the same time there was a hint of bearish 1-2-3 formation as well which is marked as Sea Green....

Anything you would like to comment.... And, if there is some approach to profit taking in this formation, which might have observed.... :)

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