Some of my forecasts

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Forexmate, let me first roll out the proverbial red carpet and say welcome to the forum. I was thinking that our little suaree should be so honored by your 1st post.
I'm sure you have also read I invite all questions, comments, and even disagreements (I could be asking for trouble on the latter, but that invitation is also there.)

You might remember when I talk about the most dominant TF's. You may also remember how I talk about certain characteristics and the language each TF might be speaking. Obviously, and for all practical intents and purposes, when the candle is under the cloud it says the market is bearish and when it is above the cloud it suggests the market is bullish. Now you might think I totally lost it, but with all that information together, it was strongly obviated what was going to happen with this pair. Let me go in reverse to explain:

Daily: It moved south towards a very fresh bullish cloud. It suggests containment, which means it would reverse back to the UP.
4-hour: It hit the abyss. It ranged so far away from the cloud that the equilibrium was knocked out of whack. It could have a strong move north of 220 pips and still be bearish on that TF.
Hourly: With what we see happening on the 2 big boys. It is then obvious what has to happen on this TF. It has to move up to the cloud, through the cloud, and out the other way. You notice how the hourly was also fresh, but it challenged the cloud, then eventually broke through.

Good question, Mate. I invite you to keep bringing them.

Dear FPC,

I have been reading your thread and got lot of lessons. Hope you won't mind if I ask some questions.

I have 3 charts 1 hour, 4 hour and daily.

Now my problem is these 3 diff tf's indicate diff things.

In 1 hour it has already broken cloud and is in strong move.

View attachment 17719

In 4 hour it is touched by Kinjun which is said as res.bottom of the cloud and also monthly pivot is still bit far at around.

View attachment 17720

On daily Kinjun is around 0681.

In this case which timeframe to follow for targets? how to analyse in case 3 different timeframes show different things?

Please guide me.

View attachment 17721
Raj, you made a key comment concerning the EUR/USD that I was going to address in my own post, but I'll do it as a response to your own.

I was looking for 1.3182 to contain. Needless to say, it did not and it took the jet north.

This is a case where the TL was broken, it did not hold, and so it is redrawn. The dotted line now becomes the new TL.

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I am waiting for USD/JPY to reach levels of 80 mark before heading further up. Even I would prefer to go long at 80 levels

EUR/USD.. the key point would 1.323 area. I have initiated short at 1.321 levels and one more short on EUR/JPY at 107.6 levels.

Still in a dilemma whether to short Gold.

Raj, you made a key comment concerning the EUR/USD that I was going to address in my own post, but I'll do it as a response to your own.

I was looking for 1.3182 to contain. Needless to say, it did not and it took the jet north.

This is a case where the TL was broken, it did not hold, and so it is redrawn. The dotted line now becomes the new TL.

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Actually I would like the candle to finish before a new TL is redrawn. That was my earlier intention.

Re: Eur/jpy

It hit 108.10 in a hurry, as it is the decision point for this pair. My long hit the TP at that point. There still seems to be enough steam in the tank to carry this pair towards 108.41, and possibly 108.74, and then challenge the peak and take it out. That is all conjecture for now.
In regards to EURJPY, I am looking at 108.3 as the containment which is the top of the cloud.

1695 is a decisive point for Gold, I am expecting it makes lows again (target of 1642).. I wont be entering into trade but would be watching to understand it better.

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