Some of my forecasts

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No, price has already hit it, and it was on the break of the TL. We will get a correction of the break, but then afterward, the pair has to go lower.

BTW, I had some good-nature talk with Eagle in another thread about how ugly my charts look, and that I just destroy the beauty if ichimoku. The point you made, LTT, is exactly why my charts look ugly with no respect to the shear beauty of ichimoku. Beyond any shadow of a doubt, they tell me exactly why the cloud is going to get broken through.
Yes, this Italian loves his spaghetti--lol.
(FYI, I'm only half Italian.)

1.3157 did not contain, but, 1.312x area is top of Daily cloud.
Wouldn't that be good support?


Well-Known Member
We are hitting the cloud on Daily while is far away on the 4H and 1H. We have just piereced the weekly cloud too. So should price reach the other end on weekly (1580) either through a spike to it or it can get out of the cloud just leaving the wick in the Cloud. Other ime frames favour just wick by allowing the price bounce from daily cloud
Kindly give your view

As per request:

I wish the one that requested this pair asked me at the beginning of the week. Take my word for it. I saw the move coming.

It is right now camped out at the daily kijun, as you can obvious see on the chart. The weekly tenken at 64.06 is still on the radar. A further drop to the top of the daily cloud (The cloud needs to be watch. As you can see, it is strongly bullish.) at circa 62.95. Containment now could be the WS3 at 66.26

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RK, the candle touching the cloud right now means nothing. It means nothing until the candle has completed itself, so you will need to wait until the end of the week. If it closes on top, then the cloud contained. If it closed inside, then it penetrated the cloud. If it closed inside and the wick already hit the other side then it has already done everything it needs.

Coming up next will be my views for gold.

We are hitting the cloud on Daily while is far away on the 4H and 1H. We have just piereced the weekly cloud too. So should price reach the other end on weekly (1580) either through a spike to it or it can get out of the cloud just leaving the wick in the Cloud. Other ime frames favour just wick by allowing the price bounce from daily cloud
Kindly give your view

This market has been camped at the top of the daily cloud. If it contains, then the first level to look for is the 4-hour kijun at 1694. If the candle makes it through that level, that could be the sign the DOWN is over with. OTOH, Any break of Tuesday's low at 1663 will signal the fall is continuing to the bottom of the daily cloud at 1642, and then the weekly at 1614.
Hello Paul,

Can you please give a idea (with chart if possible) to know when and under what conditions price if moved too far away from clouds, will hit back the clouds. And what TF will be good to judge that point.



One more thing. In "Ichimoku Series" you mentioned that if Span A is above Span B then it will be a bullish cloud and if it is below Span B then it will be bearish cloud. Can you please tell how can S&R gets affected when price touch the cloud in both the cases, if price is above or below the cloud.
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HI VE, it's coming up. Be advised it does not matter what TF you are talking about. The principles of ichimoku always work on all TF's.

Hello Paul,

Can you please give a idea (with chart if possible) to know when and under what conditions price if moved too far away from clouds, will hit back the clouds. And what TF will be good to judge that point.



One more thing. In "Ichimoku Series" you mentioned that if Span A is above Span B then it will be a bullish cloud and if it is below Span B then it will be bearish cloud. Can you please tell how can S&R gets affected when they touch the cloud in both the cases, if price is above or below the cloud.
This is the hourly of the GBP/USD.
Most likely it is headed lower. The pair never made any really strong move since dipping so far under the cloud. A general rule for currencies is that after a long trend, then the market goes sideways, once it is done, then it will drop lower. Therefore, it is safe to say the bottom of the cloud will act as R.

The thing to watch for once a pair has dipped below or flown too high above the cloud are reversal patterns, such as a 1-2-3 or a swing low or high being broken. Notice in this picture that the eastward action has become so extreme that the tenken and kijun are not playing a factor.
In other words upward momentum is totally missing, and so once equilibrium has been established, then most likely a strong leg south will ensue.
The recent swing high would be the 2 in a 1-2-3. If that is broken, then the pair would launch off to my WS1 (red line on top) at 1.5775. The next level to watch for is 1.5796. That is the nearest swing high to the west. That would also put the candle above the cloud, and that would stick a fork in the DOWN.
There's a good chance 1.5775 could be hit, as price action would still be contained under the cloud. It is highly unlikely that 1.5796.

BTW, feel free to watch out for this. If in the event an exception happens, then feel free to bring it to my attention. This way we can discuss it. As traders, we need a game plan if we are wrong. We take the highest probable trades, but sometimes we could be wrong. So, even when we are wrong, it is worth discussing, because certain rules are in place and certain principles are always adhered to. We expect to be right and will be right most of the time, but when we are wrong, it's okay to discuss those times, because we need the plan B for the occasional times that we are wrong.

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