Some of my forecasts

Not open for further replies. I don't want to "buy below" or "sell above". I want to "buy above" or "sell below".

e.g. Buy USD/EUR if it goes above 1.3250,
Sell USD/EUR if it goes below 1.3200.

... something of that sort. Is there a concept of "Trigger price" ??
Use "Buy Stop" to buy above CMP and "Sell Stop" to sell below CMP..... The way we do it in Indian markets....... :)


Well-Known Member
BTW, I noticed some typos in the magic jeannie post after you guys hit the "thanks" button. It supposed to be "50-yard dash" and "None of them 'could'".
We 'thanked' because you wrote 5-yard :p.

Now if you say it is 50, should we re-think !!!



Well-Known Member
4xpip, in your upcoming weekly review, please, a good look at the Aud/Usd.

The ADX indicated that it should reverse big time this year.

JahDave's EW analysis too indicated similar.

Are we looking at 1.093 before a long term down?
Oh great! Either you were chuckling because you're thinking, "That's another of Pips typos." Or, you're thinking, "He thinks that's fast!? My great-grandma can run 5 yards in 5.2 seconds.

Come to think of it, yeah I would remove thanks considering it should be 50. I mean, after all no 52-year old can run 50 yards in 5.2 seconds.

Just in case there is someone who just checked into the world of Traderji, and found this thread, there is more forecasting and TA's coming up. We're like drunk butterflies around here. We float all over the place, and you don't know where we are going to land.

We 'thanked' because you wrote 5-yard :p.

Now if you say it is 50, should we re-think !!!

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Dave only lives 2 state south of me, so I'll be careful--lol.

I'm not as convinced as he is about the immediacy of the return to the DOWN. Yes, I still see 1.0930. I see a possibility of the peak 1.1079. From there, we could get a reversal, but we could also get a break.
As always, the pair will be featured in my Weekly Forecast.

4xpip, in your upcoming weekly review, please, a good look at the Aud/Usd.

The ADX indicated that it should reverse big time this year.

JahDave's EW analysis too indicated similar.

Are we looking at 1.093 before a long term down?
Weekly Review--022612

EUR/USD: This weeks final hour ended in reverse with the strongest bear candle of the whole week, and 6th strongest overall. That will continue going into next week, and we should see the WS2 at 1.3271 be paid a visit. A bear candle for the week is favorable, but it is only taking a breather in the middle of the UP towards 1.3586.

This pair hit the WS2, and kept going a little to deeper to the dip at 1.3186, just 4 pips north of the MS1.

USD/JPY: Last week, we hit the illusive 81.00 mark. It could be the beginning of the journey towards the monthly kijun at 85.26. The altimeter on the daily says it is time for a retreat, so there is a good possibility that will happen this week. There is plenty of room for a correction back to cluster at 78.87. About all we need to signal that retreat is a move under 80.45. There is a possibility that at the beginning of the week we see the move continue to the WR1 at 81.76.

We did get the but only to the monthly tenken at 80.77, and then we went 10 pips beyond the WR1 to the peak at 81.86.

GBP/USD: The hourly kijun/ WS2 combo at 1.5805 makes for an ideal containment area for this week. This correction should prepare the pair for the next strong move north, as it has its eye on the bottom of the weekly cloud at 1.6021.

We made 6 pips under the WS2 to the dip at 1.5799. What was strange was that the WR1 at 1.5944 was straddled most of the week while hitting the peak at 1.5991.

USD/CHF: This is the pair you now have to be careful on. The DOWN is in full force. The pair is OS enough after the strong move last week that there is plenty of corrective room. We should have a correction to the WR1 at .9025. Things could get consolidative if the WR2 at .9093 is hit. If the WR1 contains, then put the WS2 at .8821, and it could really take off and hit the WS3 at .8708.

I hope you were being careful. The pair took full advantage of the corrective room and hit the peak at .9148, 4 pips beyond the WR1.

AUD/USD: The UP TL currently at 1.0533 contains the MT. This pair is destined to challenge the all-time high at 1.1024. The level to watch for this week is the leveling of the kijun on both the hourly and 4-hour charts at 1.0656. If it is touched, its booked its ticket for the WS2 at 1.0573. The TK combo on the hourly at 1.0718 will probably contain the upside this week, which makes the full downside potential the likely scenario. It should be noted that my WS2 is at the bottom of a strong S zone, so price action could come a little short of that.

I was fooled slightly on this one. The 1.0656 level was touched as the dip was 1.0650, and then the pair reversed to 1.0856. It left the higher highs vulnerable as the 1.0656 level was not fully penetrated.

USD/CAD: The move to .9707 has been temporarily derailed. We should keep heading north this week to the daily kijun at 1.0033, and even allowing for a spike to the WR2 at 1.0056. The reaction from that point is going to be important to determine further direction.

The peak at 1.0048 was in between the 2 projections, and then the move south continued deeper to the dip at .9841.

NZD/USD: This pair is looking similar to its distant cousin, the EUR/USD. Its looks obvious it is headed south to start the week. The big difference here is that the UP is showing signs it could be over. The level to watch for this week is the WS2 at .8263. There is no room for a spike. If we get the smallest spike through it, then we head to the daily kijun at .8211, and a good chance to break through the top of the weekly cloud at .8191.

The pair did not touch the WS2 as the dip was .8285.

EUR/GBP: Im treating the latest move due north as a volatile mix within the move south. I keep saying it, so Ill say it again, the bigger picture DOWN is not over until the bottom of the monthly cloud has been hit at .8167. For this week, the MR2 at .8403 should be hit, and it should be treated as a decision point.

Last months MR2 was hit, and it made the decision to keep going al the way to the dip at .8312.

EUR/JPY: This pair has huge potential for a strong dip. It is most likely headed for some MT consolidation before a continuation of the UP. The break of the weekly TL at 103.21 needs to be corrected. In order to get there, the UP daily TL needs to be broken currently at 104.45. The first level to look for this week is 108.79. When it is broken, we could be sticking a fork in the UP. This does not mean the longer term UP is over.

The 108.79 level was broken and the dip at 107.08 was hit on Monday, as it went due east the rest of the week.

GBP/JPY: This pair missed the bottom of the weekly cloud at 129.08 by 14 pips last week, so it would be nice to see that part of business be taken care of this week. Other than that it is doubtful we will see the WR1 at 129.96 being hit this week. Any moves south are not as strongly obviated as its cousin, the EUR/JPY, but nevertheless, this week should net a bear candle. Look for the WS1 at 128.00, and then the WS2 at 127.02 to be hit this week.

The WR1 was touched, but barely as the peak was 130.09, but that was after the dip was established at 126.67, and it put a charge into the race to the peak.
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