Some of my forecasts

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The NFP Report

RK reminded me of something in his post. BTW, don't anyone get your hopes up. I am not turning fundy on you--lol. What I want to show is a technical way to trade the NFP.

It is a report that will come out tomorrow (Friday) at 6:00pm IST. A few years ago the report created some strong one-way movements in the US pairs. Now it is more volatile.
The one basic understanding yo need in trading the NFP is that of the swing highs and lows I have been talking about, which is all related to price action. At about 5:50pm, pick a USD pair find the swing low and high on the 5-min chart. Set your entry at both ends. One or the other will hit. Take the pips it yields on the strong move, then get out.
So-called experts talk about how risky trading the NFP is. The thing to do is just watch the price action on a few of the USD pairs at that time. Afterward, come back and confirm or repudiate (I'm not picky--lol) what you saw. Hopefully, confidence in that type of setup will grow, then you can grab those quick pips.

I've seen too many exceptions to the rule with regards to the ichimoku during this time, which has everything to do with the volatility. I did, however, notice a strict regimen with regards to price action. .

BTW, what I means with regards to an exception to the ichimoku was not really an exception. I've seen many wick spikes go through the cloud and out the other side. That does not make for good trading setups.
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When I look at it from a technical point of view, and it is in lieu of what I had been talking about a few weeks ago, the yen had to get weaker before it got stronger. That is why I was calling for a move up to 81.00. That was going to be the hopeful yield of a rubber band effect to the 73.00's. Nevertheless, I'm still treating our circa area as the decision point. We could still be looking at the 85.00's.

From a technical perspective, this is also why you have strong obviations, such as 1-2-3 being broken a stronger move south will ensue. Then there are not so obvious decision areas that are made, such as what will happen when we get to 78.60--78.40.
This is why I call it like I see it. I know what will happen if the 1-2-3 is broken. Considering I am not the magic jeannie, there are some things I don't know, like what will happen when we get to 78.60--78.40.

I do find it interesting how your FA reports fall in line with my TA's. As you know I pay no attention, and give no mind to the FA's. I'm still glad you shared the information.
Pips, are you sure your wife does not read your posts..... :lol: :lol:

Barbara sure left a lasting thought in you :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jeannie was the character name of the 'Genie'
Alright, Ltt. Quit trying to start something--lol.

Actually, I did watch the tv show when I was a kid, because my parents owned a television.
My reference to the "magic jeannie" has nothing to do with the television show. I've always been one that loves to compete in sports or anything that gives an adrenaline rush.
As late as 52 years-old, I ran the 5-yard dash in 5.2 seconds. When I was in my 40's, I use to race my kids' friends-- all teenagers. If anyone of them could beat me, I would give them a box of chocolates. None of them good. Finally they came up with an idea that I should give them a head start about half the distance. That's when I came up with the slogan, "Look, I'm faster than all you guys, but I'm not the magic jeannie." They would just laugh.

After I moved to Ohio, I left sales and management, because of logistical differences. I worked in a fast-paced factory for quite awhile and the pace was right up my alley (I'm hyper-active, and it's something I've used for my good.). Most of the workers were young enough to be my kids. LOL, I even practically adopted some of them. After awhile, in a joking way, they would say, "C'mon Paul, why can't you do all of that work too." My comeback would always be something like, "Look! I'm superman, not the magic jeannie."

Now you got my nose to twitching. Shhh, don't tell my wife--lol.

Pips, are you sure your wife does not read your posts..... :lol: :lol:

Barbara sure left a lasting thought in you :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jeannie was the character name of the 'Genie'
Wow! The weather here is something else. Yesterday it hit my WR3 and kept going. The high was 22C. We had some huge thunderstorms that preceded the spike. Now it flopped all the way back to 4C today, which is the WP.

Hey, I got to talk in terms of TA's or the weather would be off topic.

BTW, I noticed some typos in the magic jeannie post after you guys hit the "thanks" button. It supposed to be "50-yard dash" and "None of them 'could'".

Here's a little change from the first insertion on this pair. The black and light grey lines are drawn just for contrast to shoe there are now 2 1-2-3's that have been formed. When the 2nd one is broken, expect the dip of the 1st one to be support, at least temporarily. It should break also, and the trip south puts the pedal to the metal.

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Re: Usd/eur

Now this pair seems headed for 1.3150-1.3175 region, or maybe the top of the cloud around 1.3085
What is Fiber ?? USD/EUR ??

Anyway, this pair seems to have lost all the respect for the trendlines :annoyed:

Re: Usd/eur

I've been looking at this pair in anticipation of going long. If it touches the cloud, it is going to have to break through the TL, which could lead to some tight eastward action, so I'm hoping circa 1.3140 will hold, and then if it does, then the pair will head to the top of the channel, which would now be in the 1.3600's.

Now this pair seems headed for 1.3150-1.3175 region, or maybe the top of the cloud around 1.3085
Timepass, that would be a buy stop or a sell stop. It's the limits if you want to buy below or sell above-- that is the current price. I don't want to "buy below" or "sell above". I want to "buy above" or "sell below".

e.g. Buy USD/EUR if it goes above 1.3250,
Sell USD/EUR if it goes below 1.3200.

... something of that sort. Is there a concept of "Trigger price" ??
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