Some of my forecasts

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Gold: I'm still a little concerned that 1679 was not hit yet, even though 1687 looks as it it is going to contain. Nevertheless, I would look for reaction at the MR1 at 1724, or maybe the WS2 at 1737.

Silver: Until 35.70 is broken, I am counting on this market taking off to 33.18.

Those bottom levels holding the rest of the week?
Don't count on it. Both markets are highly volatile right now, and there is now plenty of downside potential for both of them.

swing low on Hourly in Gold is 1687.56 and in Silver is 34.06
Should we consider that for the time be ing (rest of week) there should be no further fall.
Kindly post monthly levals for both too
This is a time when you know the TL is about to be plowed. The swing low is about to be broken. We know, by now, when the swing low, it comes accompanied with a huge move. This means the TL has to go with it. Containment will probably be somewhere around the next swing low to the west, then the TL gets corrected, then that swing low will also get taken out, because of the next leg on the TL break.

This is money in the bank!

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This pair is going to be worth watching over the next 24 hours. If the 1-2-3 is complete, it could be the beginning of something huge. A few weeks ago I talked about what could be a more predictable and explosive return to the DOWN if 81.00 is hit. If the top of the weekly cloud contains, then that is what's about going to happen, and it should be verified on the break of this 1-2-3.

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Well-Known Member
A few days ago i was hearing that Japan Govt do,'t want to get their currency stronger and last time it was in that 76-77 level There central bank sold huge amount of currency to contain the move
Though at that level price will be in weekly cloud
When I look at it from a technical point of view, and it is in lieu of what I had been talking about a few weeks ago, the yen had to get weaker before it got stronger. That is why I was calling for a move up to 81.00. That was going to be the hopeful yield of a rubber band effect to the 73.00's. Nevertheless, I'm still treating our circa area as the decision point. We could still be looking at the 85.00's.

From a technical perspective, this is also why you have strong obviations, such as 1-2-3 being broken a stronger move south will ensue. Then there are not so obvious decision areas that are made, such as what will happen when we get to 78.60--78.40.
This is why I call it like I see it. I know what will happen if the 1-2-3 is broken. Considering I am not the magic jeannie, there are some things I don't know, like what will happen when we get to 78.60--78.40.

I do find it interesting how your FA reports fall in line with my TA's. As you know I pay no attention, and give no mind to the FA's. I'm still glad you shared the information.

A few days ago i was hearing that Japan Govt do,'t want to get their currency stronger and last time it was in that 76-77 level There central bank sold huge amount of currency to contain the move
Though at that level price will be in weekly cloud
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