As long as you are bringing profits home, you are doing great !! Over a period of time, you will get comfortable with these intraday movements and trades. Am not a great fan of intraday trade in stocks but I would like to add a few points for nifty option trades
- Use intraday trades to maximize profits on your positional trades. Always have a positional trade in the direction of the current positional move so that you do not get completely wrong footed.
- If you are taking a trade only for intraday, keep a stop loss (like a Nifty level) and even if your target profit is not reached, evaluate whether you need to carry the position overnight or you are better off squaring off.
- Writing calls blocks up margins. You can also buy PEs to get the same effect.
- Evaluate how much brokerage you are paying. If you think you are paying too much, think about moving to a cheaper option but profits minus brokerage is still profits ....
- Trade intraday only when you sense an opportunity. For example, yesterday was such a narrow range that I did not feel the need to do any trades. My positional longs were already in place. Today was different and as you correctly pointed out, there were enough opportunity to play both sides.
- Use intraday trades to maximize profits on your positional trades. Always have a positional trade in the direction of the current positional move so that you do not get completely wrong footed.
- If you are taking a trade only for intraday, keep a stop loss (like a Nifty level) and even if your target profit is not reached, evaluate whether you need to carry the position overnight or you are better off squaring off.
- Writing calls blocks up margins. You can also buy PEs to get the same effect.
- Evaluate how much brokerage you are paying. If you think you are paying too much, think about moving to a cheaper option but profits minus brokerage is still profits ....
- Trade intraday only when you sense an opportunity. For example, yesterday was such a narrow range that I did not feel the need to do any trades. My positional longs were already in place. Today was different and as you correctly pointed out, there were enough opportunity to play both sides.
So many valid points....Yes, PE option should work equally fine..Just have not tried it yet..
However, I feel susceptible about carrying positional trade overnight..Its like okay, I am willing to book profit or loss but I wont carry them...Probably the psychological effect of 4700 CE had on me still spooks me...I mean that was my first attempt at options and watching it sliding from 170 to 85..It was as if my heartbeat was skipping in that range...
The fact that, How US & Asia will fare and that will consequently affect Nifty..I mean, yeah, undertone is bullish but apprehension still lingers on so thats why my view about carrying overnight point...
Tell you what, Honestly speaking...when you trade and make good returns, what gives you more high is the fact that whatever you achieved today was based on logic and sound judgement...I think, if these things are right, money will here is more like a by-product...Just the fact that your learning is being put into practice and that too with effective result...thats the real kick...
totally off topic..just wanted to blabber..
Will keep all your points in mind....
Thanks a ton...for the umpteen times...
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