The Survivors!!

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Well-Known Member
First thing u have to accept the fact that making money from the market consistently is not easy. Its easy to get a winning trade but getting consistent is a lot tougher than most people like to believe.

Most people think its all about getting a good system and then developing discipline to follow that system. Thats the second disappointment as execution is always poor and tendency is to fight the market. If market is up 100 points u want to short the market and u find reasons to short from the chart always on regular basis. Somehow they all hit sl.

Itdoesnt work that way. It never has and never will. Accepting uncertainty and getting rid of the need to be right all the time is the first sign of maturity. Thats a level when u realise how difficult things really are. Once u over come this phase, u realise the importance of market structure and listening to the market. What it wants to do and how good a job it is doing in trying to do what it wants to do... that's the first time u feel u are in sync with the market. Now your old system that gave continuous losses suddenly becomes a big win generator.

Its a long long journey. very few survive...! but totally worth the trouble and pain...!

Nice Post! Linkon's a Gem. Just less conspicuous.


Well-Known Member
We miss Linkon We miss Linkon. If anyone have contact with Linkon kindly request him to drop in to traderji atleast whenever he has time. Please do this on behalf of traderji. Another awesome person was AW10, dont know why he is not visiting too, I miss Anup posts.

Saint or ST if any one get a chance to reach Linkon or AW10, please let them know that beginners like me are missing them in traderji please :D :D :D


Well-Known Member

What does your avatar signify, it looks interesting but I cannot understand it, is it something historically significant?

Tamil trader

Well-Known Member
Mr. Saint,

To become a full time trader and make the earnings for the living,

What are the essential qualification required for full time trader?

First of all, income source is created outside of the market. if one comes with such income , is it possible to generate next income source from market only?

is full time trading best for the living?
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