The Survivors!!

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Well-Known Member
Thanks Tlahuicole for informing at Raj Bhai's thread that Saint is back. Where is the post that you were reffering to.. just curious

OK, once Saint came in I got a lot of private messages :p, first time ever in my life after my post where I said about Saint quitting his doctor profession to do trading. So, just like me everyone wants motivational pill i guess, here it is, my motivational pill that i take whenever i feel down from my to three trading heroes.


Originally Posted by .Pride.
8 yrs back: I wanted 100% per month returns...I would spend all my free time trying to make strategies that would make me those kind of returns...I would try different indicators...I would stack many indicators...I would tweak the
ir settings...thinking that the holy grail lies in some secret settings...I would not look at any charts higher than 5min

6 yrs back: After facing regular losses, I removed some indicators...reduced my monthly targets to 50%...thought up some more strategies...

4yrs back: Got frustrated with the continued losses...thought that trading was not for me...took a sabbatical...came back with a fresh mind and thought of new approaches...was still trying to make a lot of money fast...

3yrs back: Instead of focusing on trading stategies, started understanding money management techniques as well...finally understood the redundancy of indicators...started to look at higher time frames...started feeling that even 20% per month return would be great...

2yrs back: One line that changed everything for me:

"It's not whether you're right or wrong that's important, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong."

Now: I trade using daily indicators...feel that even 50% per annum returns would be winning trades are usually 2-3 times my losing trades...I can afford to be right only 35% of the times and still be very profitable...and I have all the time in the world to pursue my hobbies...

It took me 8 yrs to realize this...maybe this post can help someone cut his time by a couple of years

First thing u have to accept the fact that making money from the market consistently is not easy. Its easy to get a winning trade but getting consistent is a lot tougher than most people like to believe.

Most people think its all about getting a good system and then developing discipline to follow that system. Thats the second disappointment as execution is always poor and tendency is to fight the market. If market is up 100 points u want to short the market and u find reasons to short from the chart always on regular basis. Somehow they all hit sl.

Itdoesnt work that way. It never has and never will. Accepting uncertainty and getting rid of the need to be right all the time is the first sign of maturity. Thats a level when u realise how difficult things really are. Once u over come this phase, u realise the importance of market structure and listening to the market. What it wants to do and how good a job it is doing in trying to do what it wants to do... that's the first time u feel u are in sync with the market. Now your old system that gave continuous losses suddenly becomes a big win generator.

Its a long long journey. very few survive...! but totally worth the trouble and pain...!


I missed this, I read it so many times that I forgot to even paste it in my book. ST says how tough his initial path was and how he beat the odds, if any one have it please paste the link here. Apologies ST for missing your journey, I don't know how i missed it but I had gone through it numerous ways and numerous occassions.

Here is the best, from our Saint,

Post no is 7.

Take the pill and enjoy the weekend.


Well-Known Member
I am going to print these out and put them on my wall, so that everytime I feel down. I can know that even legends were humans like us and we can become legends too.
I am going to print these out and put them on my wall, so that everytime I feel down. I can know that even legends were humans like us and we can become legends too.
Feel down?

A financial analyst, a fund manager, a ceo of a micro finance firm, owner of a quarter of a dozen websites, needs trading gyaan?

The Ambanis feel jealous looking at your resume.... and the common man feels like pelting stones at you ( conclusion derived after reading a few posts by you, quoted by danpickup )


Well-Known Member
Financial analyst, fund manager, md of a microfinance firm, owner of 4 websites, motor parts exporter and novice financial writer. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Feel down?

A financial analyst, a fund manager, a ceo of a micro finance firm, owner of a quarter of a dozen websites, needs trading gyaan?

The Ambanis feel jealous looking at your resume.... and the common man feels like pelting stones at you ( conclusion derived after reading a few posts by you, quoted by danpickup )
That tells us the difference between Investing and Trading !

On his own admission he requires a lot of "gyan" about trading ! :)
Financial analyst, fund manager, md of a microfinance firm, owner of 4 websites, motor parts exporter and novice financial writer. :clap:
Now you have even the Tata's advising their wards to make you their role model.

Though it would have been much better if you had inculcated some morals too while doing all that you claim to do.

One of your posts was the shittiest in traderji, as pointed out by danpickup.


Well-Known Member
Now you have even the Tata's advising their wards to make you their role model.
Though it would have been much better if you had inculcated some morals too while doing all that you claim to do.
One of your posts was the shittiest in traderji, as pointed out by danpickup.
Control, Yaar Control....!

This is Nicest Thread started by Greatest Master after so much time.
Please don't use it as Personal War Field. Everybody here is mature enough, I think.


Well-Known Member
Financial analyst, fund manager, md of a microfinance firm, owner of 4 websites, motor parts exporter and novice financial writer. :clap:
nthing wrong being an owner of d world n stil in search of gyan :) i wud luv 2 die under a heap of knowledge . Microsoft added 149 th acquisition n BILL GATES is ready wid a plan fr 150th.
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