The Survivors!!

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Saint what happened to TSF and what about paid den ? and why suddenly you back and active again?
Hi FF,

Always been around,so not back suddenly.Active again,...not really....just said Hi,and one Hi went to another Hi and a 100 posts followed.TSF is still around,but what needs to be taught at the base level is out there.To get into the depths,we need a structure better than an online discusion forum...... So,must create one,if possible.Or hide in my office if not.Let's see.The Den was a better model,but education was still tough.......So,figuring out ways where what is learnt can be shared in the most effective manner.

Thanks for asking..... :)
Will think up something....Queries are the most important first steps.....will do something...
Hi Saint

One more question about BNF Sept :)

For obvious reasons not talking about specific numbers or charts etc. . . but

is it true that this month trading the daily TF on BNF gave similar performance as that of 15 Mins?

:) Happy


Well-Known Member
Hi FF,

Always been around,so not back suddenly.Active again,...not really....just said Hi,and one Hi went to another Hi and a 100 posts followed.TSF is still around,but what needs to be taught at the base level is out there.To get into the depths,we need a structure better than an online discusion forum...... So,must create one,if possible.Or hide in my office if not.Let's see.The Den was a better model,but education was still tough.......So,figuring out ways where what is learnt can be shared in the most effective manner.

Thanks for asking..... :)
Online forums are good for circulating material, but have a poor "strike-ratio". Not many people take away what the teachers intends.

I think the only way is to have very high priced LIVE trading-cum-coaching setups... fees could be in Thousands and even a few lakhs once the trainees feel confident.

You, of all people I know, can do it Saint, and the learners will be grateful as you will have given them careers. Money will soon be recovered, so its not an issue. Issue is the planning of it... I am sure you have something in the pipeline... you are always a step ahead. ;)

Since its a chit chat thread . . . some chit chat from my side . . .

Why it is so hard for the . . . minds . . . to accept possibilities . . .
specially when they are positive ones . . .

if someone came and claimed how they went bankrupt trading BNF in September, no one will doubt them, everyone immediately starts offering advice & sympathy but . . .

but . . . when someone discusses positive possibilities that are beyond our puny minds had previously thought possible . . . then the mind does not what to believe that . . . guess its easier to dismiss that possibility . . . .than to try to put in the hard work required . . .

What do you do with the ones who believes it is impossible to earn from trading not only for them but for others too, just let them be i guess . . .

:) Happy


Well-Known Member
Will think up something....Queries are the most important first steps.....will do something...
Yeah Saint, we need a seperate thread fro queries as well. you can put your thoughts in the non commentable section and open one thread for queries alone in another section.

I have some doubts in queue waiting for you to start your thread. I am a slow learner, so hope you bear with persons like me, I represent all slow learners from traderji :D
Hi Saint

One more question about BNF Sept :)

For obvious reasons not talking about specific numbers or charts etc. . . but

is it true that this month trading the daily TF on BNF gave similar performance as that of 15 Mins?

:) Happy
:) Happy

15/60 gave that number.On daily it's about 1.2k points lesser,but definite and peaceful money into the pockets though.
Yeah Saint, we need a seperate thread fro queries as well. you can put your thoughts in the non commentable section and open one thread for queries alone in another section.

I have some doubts in queue waiting for you to start your thread. I am a slow learner, so hope you bear with persons like me, I represent all slow learners from traderji :D
I am also a slow learner,TL....... so I love all slow learners.Learn slowly how to speed the fastest :D
:) Happy

15/60 gave that number.On daily it's about 1.2k points lesser,but definite and peaceful money into the pockets though.

Interesting, changes the way we look at Daily Charts :D

Looking forward to your new thread . . .

Till than good to learn some Urdu maybe some Gujarati too . . :lol:

:) Happy
Online forums are good for circulating material, but have a poor "strike-ratio". Not many people take away what the teachers intends.

I think the only way is to have very high priced LIVE trading-cum-coaching setups... fees could be in Thousands and even a few lakhs once the trainees feel confident.

You, of all people I know, can do it Saint, and the learners will be grateful as you will have given them careers. Money will soon be recovered, so its not an issue. Issue is the planning of it... I am sure you have something in the pipeline... you are always a step ahead. ;)
Yes,something being done......but long ways to go.:)
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