The Survivors!!

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Since its a chit chat thread . . . some chit chat from my side . . .

Why it is so hard for the . . . minds . . . to accept possibilities . . .
specially when they are positive ones . . .

if someone came and claimed how they went bankrupt trading BNF in September, no one will doubt them, everyone immediately starts offering advice & sympathy but . . .

but . . . when someone discusses positive possibilities that are beyond our puny minds had previously thought possible . . . then the mind does not what to believe that . . . guess its easier to dismiss that possibility . . . .than to try to put in the hard work required . . .

What do you do with the ones who believes it is impossible to earn from trading not only for them but for others too, just let them be i guess . . .

:) Happy
The answer is simple...we are all guilty of that.....the moment we accept that something is possible,something that is now at this very moment out of our reach........then that moment there is a feeling of dejection, disapppointment,despondency,disgust,finally leading to denial.The Denial that something is indeed possible,achievable...

And in that Denial......there is a Peace ....A quietude....All is well in the World now....At last....
The answer is simple...we are all guilty of that.....the moment we accept that something is possible,something that is now at this very moment out of our reach........then that moment there is a feeling of dejection, disapppointment,despondency,disgust,finally leading to denial.The Denial that something is indeed possible,achievable...

And in that Denial......there is a Peace ....A quietude....All is well in the World now....At last....
Something that is out of reach for now
yet the possibility exists, yes this knowledge can be disquieting
but it is also that fuel that drives our efforts, that pushes us
to try to achieve, what we previously thought was beyond possibility

:) Happy


Well-Known Member

Since its a chit chat thread . . . some chit chat from my side . . .

Why it is so hard for the . . . minds . . . to accept possibilities . . .
specially when they are positive ones . . .

if someone came and claimed how they went bankrupt trading BNF in September, no one will doubt them, everyone immediately starts offering advice & sympathy but . . .

but . . . when someone discusses positive possibilities that are beyond our puny minds had previously thought possible . . . then the mind does not what to believe that . . . guess its easier to dismiss that possibility . . . .than to try to put in the hard work required . . .

What do you do with the ones who believes it is impossible to earn from trading not only for them but for others too, just let them be i guess . . .
:) Happy
Why it is so hard for the . . . minds . . . to accept possibilities . . .
specially when they are positive ones
every human is unique n so is his belief system...a 1 fit fr all formula cannot work fr all..wat ur belief system percieves it hard fr ur mind 2 accept may b d opposite fr other.
if someone came and claimed how they went bankrupt trading BNF in September, no one will doubt them, everyone immediately starts offering advice & sympathy but .
as a human every1 has sm unmet needs frm life..a poor mans unmet need is money,an unemployed 1 may hav unmet need of sm people wen things dont turn out as per deir xpectations, dey start 2 feel bad n grumble dat life is unfair n dat brings in anger against himself n he begins 2 doubt his own skills n worth n begins 2 loose confidence...
now coming 2 ur point , d people who show sympathy n start giving advice may hav certain emotions like lack of self esteem wher he sees another person failing fr d same reason wch he failed 2 achieve n hence his subconcious mind makes him believe dat he is nt alone, der r many like him.

but . . . when someone discusses positive possibilities that are beyond our puny minds had previously thought possible . . . then the mind does not what to believe that . . . guess its easier to dismiss that possibility . . . .than to try to put in the hard work required . . .
as i said earlier d way v design our belief system , d results r prone 2 b in its comfort.
fr example if u r unemployed n u tried fr couple of jobs bt failed during interview , now if u r confident , u wil try diferent ways fr another job like acquiring d skills wch u lack or if it nt works u may start ur own wat if u became anxious n sart fearing abt ur future ? ur subconcious mind wil note ur actions n in future wenever u felt like luking fr a job , ur belief system wil stop u fr taking actions .
dis is d reason why v dont easily accept d suggetions of other people if dey dont match our belief system.

What do you do with the ones who believes it is impossible to earn from trading not only for them but for others too, just let them be i guess . .
same of wat i said in first column...if ur belief system is false it wil discard every positive outcome fr trading.
u may nt lift a big box simply bcoz ur friend told u dat its 2 heavy..
bt if it was fr me i wil certainly giv myself a push n lift it jst 2 giv proof 2 my subconcious mind dat i dont follow any1 blindly jst bcoz it is heavy fr him.
now fr d gud news > each of us can fix his false belief by taking certain actions again n again so dat our subconcious mind strt believing in dat actions:)
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every human is unique n so is his belief system...a 1 fit fr all formula cannot work fr all..wat ur belief system percieves it hard fr ur mind 2 accept may b d opposite fr other.

as a human every1 has sm unmet needs frm life..a poor mans unmet need is money,an unemployed 1 may hav unmet need of sm people wen things dont turn out as per deir xpectations, dey start 2 feel bad n grumble dat life is unfair n dat brings in anger against himself n he begins 2 doubt his own skills n worth n begins 2 loose confidence...
now coming 2 ur point , d people who show sympathy n start giving advice may hav certain emotions like lack of self esteem wher he sees another person failing fr d same reason wch he failed 2 achieve n hence his subconcious mind makes him believe dat he is nt alone, der r many like him.

as i said earlier d way v design our belief system , d results r prone 2 b in its comfort.
fr example if u r unemployed n u tried fr couple of jobs bt failed during interview , now if u r confident , u wil try diferent ways fr another job like acquiring d skills wch u lack or if it nt works u may start ur own wat if u became anxious n sart fearing abt ur future ? ur subconcious mind wil note ur actions n in future wenever u felt like luking fr a job , ur belief system wil stop u fr taking actions .
dis is d reason why v dont easily accept d suggetions of other people if dey dont match our belief system.

same of wat i said in first column...if ur belief system is false it wil discard every positive outcome fr trading.
u may nt lift a big box simply bcoz ur friend told u dat its 2 heavy..
bt if it was fr me i wil certainly giv myself a push n lift it jst 2 giv proof 2 my subconcious mind dat i dont follow any1 blindly jst bcoz it is heavy fr him.
now fr d gud news > each of us can fix his false belief by taking certain actions again n again so dat our subconcious mind strt believing in dat actions:)
this font...this style...this purple color...reminds me of someone..It was once copyrighted to him...
he made some promises...broke some...
as the market repeats its history..this thread itself is a mystery...


Well-Known Member
Savant Garde!
Hi Tamil Trader,

My First interaction with you,I notice that you are into the Commodities market.Same here these days.Still raw at many things over at the commodities side.But absolutely love it.Love the moves.Trend traders delight.Flow Traders' (oooooo,bad word!!) fantasyland.:)

I have not been around on TJ for some time,and I don't know the latest goings -on......but I presume you have an income apart from trading the commodities market.

To your question:Can you earn money from Trading?Yes,absolutely.Can you make a regular income from the markets?Yes,absolutely.But let us just say that you have found a method where you can make money far above your family's requirements for that month,and you are taking it upwards slowly(wealth,and income),my counter poser to you would be.........What would you do with your time?

So,if I were you,I would carry on with my job or whatever the business is that you do,and also make money from trading at the same time..... A Full Time Trader is not the fellow who spends all his time looking at the computer charts bobbing up and down.A Full time trader is that person whose methods are in full blast at the markets,he will of course need to keep monitoring it now and then,but the entire rest of the time can be focussed on following a passion,another business,or whatever it is you like to do.....
A Full Time Trader is not the fellow who spends all his time looking at the computer charts bobbing up and down. A Full time trader is that person whose methods are in full blast at the markets.........Nice!


Well-Known Member
hey saint,

Suppose we have a high volume day (600 contracts) and the price bar is an up price bar with a range of suppose 50 points, next day we have a down price bar with price range 100 points but volume 33% less (400 contracts traded) than last bar. What this things says w.r.t. price action

Note: also asked the same thing in thread "Price action trading" by Saakk.
this font...this style...this purple color...reminds me of someone..It was once copyrighted to him...
he made some promises...broke some...
as the market repeats its history..this thread itself is a mystery...
I whom you are referring to...what promise he broke? I normally refrain from commenting on irrelevant topic like in this thread developing to. but the way TJ members welcome Mr. Saint in his first post in the thread.. thought they really want to learn the trait from the greatest survivor of the market( off course he is not merely surviving, he must be living "kickass" if you survive market for a long time; its highly rewarding and simply his opportunity cost of being trader is much more than most of us ). So let the man talk and allow him to write... be silent observer. believe you me the education would be worth spending your time IN TJ.

P.S: please do not reply to this post in retaliation if you do not like in case. I just want to make Mr saint time to be constructive for sharing the knowledge if not transferring.
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