The Survivors!!

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There you go again, weapons and enemies, and fight.... cant you just trade, sweet and simple.....

If you may remember, we have differed on this point before also.

I make the market my friend, and take it out for lunch. I dont slay it with my tools :)

Come on Saint, stop compensating for the domestic violence being meted out to you! I know how it feels :)
Lol,no Domestic Violence at the root of it all.....:D

But no,Market is neither a Friend,nor an Enemy.The Market just IS,a platform where Fear and Greed,Hope and Regret plays out.These are your enemies,and your weapons and strategies are to find ways to combat them,not through resistance and control,but by going with the flow of it.

So war it definitely is,my friend, that we wage on a daily basis.... :)


Well-Known Member
I hope you realize where this needs to lead next.

Lots of people here are troubled by FIIs, DIIs, Ben Bernanke, Subbu, Sonia, Syria, Chiddu and now RR ! You know very well what you need to do :)

The "Thanks" part is as big as the 10 line post! And nothing concrete as been said yet.... just imagine the responsibility resting on your shoulders... peoples expectations.
@Jamit or do you also want me to say: Sir Jamit :D

I think not all have expectations at or of Sir Saints retourn. Some only are happy that he is here and joined again the forum. I for myself have no expectaitons, just love that an other great trader and person is here and give good feelings to the members. Ups, the last statement is an expectation. :D

Take care and further many good trades / DanPickUp
@Jamit or do you also want me to say: Sir Jamit :D

I think not all have expectations at or of Sir Saints retourn. Some only are happy that he is here and joined again the forum. I for myself have no expectaitons, just love that an other great trader and person is here and give good feelings to the members. Ups, the last statement is an expectation. :D

Take care and further many good trades / DanPickUp
Phew!! Thanks Dan for removing that weight off :D


Well-Known Member
Quite agree here. Each one interprets the market with what notions they hold in their mind... So looking at the same chart/signal - one will buy and the other will sell.

Market is like water and reflects yourself. It entices and some come to play/monkey around, and before they know it, are carried out deep. Others respect what it can do - and will wade in only when they consider it safe. Some come well equipped to deal with it, others, with nothing at all.

The market will call out to many, but in the end reward a few - and it is only those who learn to understand over time and deal with it with respect - be it as a friend or an adversary.

The Market just IS,a platform where Fear and Greed,Hope and Regret plays out.These are your enemies,and your weapons and strategies are to find ways to combat them,not through resistance and control,but by going with the flow of it.

So war it definitely is,my friend, that we wage on a daily basis.... :)


Well-Known Member
Phew!! Thanks Dan for removing that weight off :D
@ Sir Saint

The following post counts only to me: I mean, you have been the leader of an other forum for quit a few years. So you know how it feels to have that pressure day by day on your side. You and even I know how much time it takes to answer certain questions in a proper manner about certain derivatives and charts and so on.

In TJ we have had and still have many threads on the best levels, if it is now on futures or options, shares or FA. So every member here which was really interested to learn what ever she/he wanted was able to join any of those threads.

As you are a future trader, as far as I know, please correct me if I am wrong, we also have since many years other future traders here in the forum. Most of those people did what ever they could to educate others, include Smart Trade and many more. And some how I feel that those persons are a bit pushed beside by your return from other members, not from you.

But on the other hand: Joining a forum also must make fun. So why should I bother you with questions which have been discussed in the forum all over in many threads. As Smart Trade and you have worked together, many things are posted about future trading in his threads. Things you and him share. So why make hell to you with questions and questions, as there is so much info already posted in the forum?

That is why I told I do not have any expectations to your return here in that way. Once learning has to be over and we have to take the guts to jump in the water. To do that step, even Smart trade has given enough information to do so. So, I am happy that you are here, but not to bother you with questions instead of having a good laugh with you and a good time. Not sure if you want me to call you further more Sir. The Sir I gave and give to you, as I know about your famous thread and because I know you from your forum which I was a member under an other name.

Now I wish you a good day tomorrow and I would say: See you around / DanPickUp
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