Thomas DeMark Sequential System


Well-Known Member
Do clarify what you mean by "much lower".
Ok...if the line break happens first target is 5320-5340!

If you want to know why, you need to read Demark's write up on TD lines!:thumb:
im intristing to trade with this stratege
and i have qusition for smart trade or to the other members
wahts the meaning of stars in this formula the stars comes after Sell9Bars==9

and this another example of stars comes after Buy9Bars==9

plese for profficinals i need some answers
im intristing to trade with this stratege
and i have qusition for smart trade or to the other members
wahts the meaning of stars in this formula the stars comes after Sell9Bars==9

and this another example of stars comes after Buy9Bars==9

plese for profficinals i need some answers
Stars means that those are the bars which satisfy the set up conditions but as we need only minimum 9 consecutive bars, the further bars are not shown in numbers...but stars are put instead..

Stars means that those are the bars which satisfy the set up conditions but as we need only minimum 9 consecutive bars, the further bars are not shown in numbers...but stars are put instead..

My friend my english is not so good but i understand that you are saying stars after Sell9Bars==9 mean sell setup
stars after buy9Bars==9 mean buy setup
ok see this shart the share in sell set up and the share score alot of profit
if we in sell set up why the share give too much
the set up should be not more than 3 bares
i hope that you understand me mr-smart trader
and thnx to your concern

my qusition why this share in the sell set up score alot of profite?

another example why this share score alot of profit in sell set up

another example whey this share score alot of profite in sell set up

by the way all three shart high of Sell9Bars==9 > the high of Sell9Bars==6
its not logic for my

whey this share score alot of profite in sell set up and the high of Sell9Bars==9> the high of Sell9Bars==6

another example whey this share score alot of profite in sell set up

by the way all three shart high of Sell9Bars==9 > the high of Sell9Bars==6
its not logic for my

whey this share score alot of profite in sell set up and the high of Sell9Bars==9> the high of Sell9Bars==6

I am not sure whether I understood what you meant by "whey this share score alot of profite in sell set up".

After we get min 9 consecutive bars in sell set up , we have to check for intersection and then the countdown phase starts. I dont see countdown bars indication in your chart. We need 13 countdown bars ( these are not consecutive) to arrive at sell signal.

The set up bars stars are continuing because set up is not complete at 9th,10th or 11 th bar ( even when you get intersection in these bars ) continues till the set up conditions are satisfied and we need to see how long it continues. This is necessary because in case of set up recycle , we have to decide which is a larger set up out of 2 set ups and decide which set up we consider for basing our countdown phase. The stars are shown for the purpose of showing length of each set up.

I am not sure whether I understood what you meant by "whey this share score alot of profite in sell set up".

After we get min 9 consecutive bars in sell set up , we have to check for intersection and then the countdown phase starts. I dont see countdown bars indication in your chart. We need 13 countdown bars ( these are not consecutive) to arrive at sell signal.

The set up bars stars are continuing because set up is not complete at 9th,10th or 11 th bar ( even when you get intersection in these bars ) continues till the set up conditions are satisfied and we need to see how long it continues. This is necessary because in case of set up recycle , we have to decide which is a larger set up out of 2 set ups and decide which set up we consider for basing our countdown phase. The stars are shown for the purpose of showing length of each set up.

Ithink you understand what i mean this share give more than 50% when the stars begain are you sure that the stars mean the share in set up sell and the share not in strong trend when the stars begain
when the share give more than 50% i think the share in strong bullish trend
not sell set up
please i want to lesson to your opinin about this thing
and im sorry for worng spelling because as what i said my english is not so good

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