Today's Buy Levels

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For people's who are still shy or unprepeared to venture in Derivatives,and also who are not so proficient in day trading ,for people like us ; this down fall's advantage cant be translated in Monetary terms quite efficiently.
Then what to do,shut down the business & wait in the side line.

Alternatively this status comes only in few years,this low price level ,which we can say comes only after a long gap ,but the question is would'nt it be catching a falling knife.

So we have to LEARN what is Contra-Trend trading,how to determine about the Price that this far & no further.

With what knowledge ,what tools ,we can take a position ,which can guide us for a relatively safe & with an absolute Defined Risk.

Talking about Dow's Historical Fall & how Nifty Fut went to (-) 5000 will be trated as a Gr8 story to my future trader friends some where down the line say after few years,but have i Learnt how to reap advantage of that ,could i get a stock NOW which can be a Multi-Bagger few years down the line.

The Fall may stay for few day's to few week ,but the intensity will decrease,the ALL Seller No buyer will have to Stop,that change of innner dynamicks will happen in a stock,how to IDENTIFY that PRICE.
Mkt is going to take a new semister to teach us NOW ,the session starts from to-day.:D



Unitech yesterday on very High Volume closed on the upper part of the EoD candel with 97.50 Low,now 114.90 (+) 5.85 % from yesterday's close of 108.55.

So a good 20 % from Low,forget it could we get only 3 %,OR where we very fearfull,accepted quite logical for being fearfull,OK it opened today @ 101.00 say if we took a position with 97.50 Stop say a qty of only 100 nos,so our Loss would be only Rs 350.00 ( this amount is what we spent in a pastry shop with family).
Then now @ 115.25 price we would be richer by 1400.25.:D

Pondering about the gloom is actually not helping us.:D
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We are here to earn in every type of Mkt. situation,pondering & posting may increase my No. of posts here in traderji but not increasing my bank balance.:)
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