Trade Smart Online


Well-Known Member
Maybe they should make a policy to check the "refund" clients a few days in advance and send an advance mail "Dear Sir/Madam, since you have not traded with us since 3 months, as per SEBI's rule no. xxxxxx we will transfer your balance amount of Rs. xxxxxx to your registered bank on date xxxxxx. Please communicate with our staff about this in case you continue maintaining your balance."
This is Bang On process for the most convenience enjoyed by the client.
Maybe they should make a policy to check the "refund" clients a few days in advance and send an advance mail "Dear Sir/Madam, since you have not traded with us since 3 months, as per SEBI's rule no. xxxxxx we will transfer your balance amount of Rs. xxxxxx to your registered bank on date xxxxxx. Please communicate with our staff about this in case you continue maintaining your balance."
Hello all,
Thanks for your support and feedback.

Next time onwards email will be sent in advance so that all our clients can plan their payin and payout and trading is not hampered. Moreover, we'll also try to do it on Saturdays so that there's time to fund the account.


Well-Known Member
Hello all,
Thanks for your support and feedback.

Next time onwards email will be sent in advance so that all our clients can plan their payin and payout and trading is not hampered. Moreover, we'll also try to do it on Saturdays so that there's time to fund the account.
Thanks for the positive response.

Is the quarterly settlement applicable only for inactive accounts or everyone? What if I have traded only 1 lot of nifty once in the 3 months and I have 5 lacs in the account?
Does Data table for a particular scrip shows price for every time correctly.. Because at times when price moves very fast it doesn't show prices on the chart although price might have moved very fast and come back


Well-Known Member
Does Data table for a particular scrip shows price for every time correctly.. Because at times when price moves very fast it doesn't show prices on the chart although price might have moved very fast and come back
In my experience, data table will always have the correct data, but chart won't show that data. This happens when you use third party tools like Amibroker for charting using the data from Nest. Nest charts normally shows it correctly.
Hello all,

For your reference two important announcements,

1. There shall be trading holiday on 15th October, 2014 on NSE, BSE and MCX, NCDEX on account of Assembly Elections in Maharashtra.

2. In view of trading holiday on October 15, 2014 the expiry date of Cardamom and Brent Crude Oil October 2014 contracts is revised to Tuesday, October 14, 2014.

Happy Voting!

“A man without a vote is a man without protection.” - Lyndon B. Johnson

Can you please elaborate about ur internet connectivity?

1.Do you guys use a lease line? If yes, what speed?

2. Do you guys use a back up line? Is that also a leased line?

3. Do you use a DSL or cable or fiber optic connections?

Have been facing lagging quotes with other brokers.

4. What bandwidth do you subscribe to?

Can you please elaborate about ur internet connectivity?

1.Do you guys use a lease line? If yes, what speed?

2. Do you guys use a back up line? Is that also a leased line?

3. Do you use a DSL or cable or fiber optic connections?

Have been facing lagging quotes with other brokers.

4. What bandwidth do you subscribe to?
Hello market oracle,
Since we are providing NOW as well as NEST, below is the info for both.
a. NOW: Though we do have a leased line for NOW, it is for our internal use and not required for our clients as the NOW servers are managed by NSE and the connectivity between NOW and NSE is managed by themselves. Clients connect to NOW servers using their internet connection. NOW has internet connectivity from Tata and Bharti and has a big enough pipe to support all the users connected from different brokers from different parts of India. We've not yet come across any issues with the NOW connectivity yet.

b. NEST: Our NEST servers are hosted at the data center and are managed realtime by a well reputed company for any event, load, error, speed etc. There are leased line connections to all the exchanges. We like to keep well below the capacity threshold for the speed limit.

a. NOW: Managed by NSE
b. NEST: Yes, we do have backup leased lines for all the exchanges

3. NEST: Data centers usually use multiple high speed internet connections.

4. NEST: We do not currently have a cap on the bandwidth speed for our internet for NEST. Our arrangement with the data center is for the amount of data transfer and not for a cap on the speed.