Trade Smart Online


Well-Known Member
In fact it is a very strange case and it is also horrible.

I am using NEST of different brokers but never faced such type of problem. If the problem arises from NEST, then I must face this problem also. I think the problem lies somewhere else.

So it should be clarified immediately.
Re: Novice Query

Hello TSO and Friends,

I have newly open a account with TSO and being an absolute noob want to know few things about using NOW.
I have been reading articles and youtube video tutorials to understand using NOW and have queries along the way.

1. stock x currently trading at 100. I want to buy it at 105. I choose the script click buy , select SL then trigger 104. Now..... 2 situations
(a) can I type in Price column 106 as I dont want to buy above 106 ?
(b) I have to leave price column empty , but I can get filled at any price above 105 ? 110, 120 etc ?

I cannot see SL-M or SL . Are these removed or combined as one ?

2. Similarly for selling the stock in sell window, I cannot see SL and SL-M.

I understand while selling that SL with limit(SL) cannot be filled if the stock goes down rapidly.

Thank You
Hello crazymouse
1. If you want to buy stock X up to 105 then, and if in trigger price your putting 104 at this situation in price column you have to put 105.

2. SL-M has been removed from NOW however, you can keep the gap between the Trigger and the price big so that it ensures you that the order gets executed.

You can use SL for buy & sell orders both.
Hi TradeSmartOnline,

1. When do you square off currency positions in case of insufficient margins? What time exactly?

2. Do you provide customer support on Saturdays?
Hi market oracle,
1. In case of insufficient margins (as long as the mtm loss is under control) we wait till 2 pm the next day to fund the account. Beyond which it may be squared off from our side.

2. Yes we do.
Hi market oracle,
1. In case of insufficient margins (as long as the mtm loss is under control) we wait till 2 pm the next day to fund the account. Beyond which it may be squared off from our side.

2. Yes we do.
What I meant to ask was:
1. In equity the square off happens at 3.15 - 3.30pm right? Is there such similar time period such as 4.30 - 5pm for currency square off..

2. Till what time do you provide customer support on Saturdays?


Well-Known Member
after being your customer long time, today I am under shock.
I found marging in NOW as 0 when ledger shows sufficient margin even at 09:30 AM.
I wrote mail at 09:17. No action was taken.
Below is transcript of chat.
Chat started

Thanks for visiting Trade Smart Online. Is there anything I can do to help?
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yes. My marging shows 0. But ledger shows 36118.33. correct immediately and reply me.

Sucheta joined the chat
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my id is YTNV03

ok let me check
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I sent a mail also before market opening. Even after 15 minutes after market opening, nothing done.

ok let me check

sir it is the payout done from your account

every quaterly there is settlement done
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But still NOW shows only 0.

so you have payin again to your account
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Pay out done only when there is no trade.

sir every quarter there is a settlemet done
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But ledger showed at 09:10, the amount as balance.

Still it is not credited to my account.

have you done the payin?
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Why should I do payin When ledger still shows 36118.33 as balance.

Please correct the situation and make margin available. Balance is shown in ledger.

Settlement is to be done only when there is no trade.

Is settlement necessity even after trading on previous day.
To my understanding, it is required only if no trade done in last quarter. Further still quarter has not ended.
See to that situation is rectified and get a call in my registered mobile after necessary correction.
My email was below.
To my surprise, I am finding margin available as 0. But ledger shows 36118.33.
order shows margin is 0.
29-Sep-2014,09:11:51 -- NFO LIMIT ORDER failure Status:rejected Rejection Reason: RMS:Margin Exceeds,Required:16224.80, Available:0.00 for entity account-YTNV03-09643 across exchange across segment across product BUY NIFTY14OCTFUT Total QTY:50 Disc. QTY:0 Open QTY:50 Filled QTY:0 at 8030.00 DAY for CLI for YTNV03-09643 by YTNV03-09643 NOWOrderNo:140929000031246 RequestId:1 ExchangeOrderNo: NA
Kind;ly correct the situation earliest.
Also please see this is not repeated in future.
My id is YTNV03
Kindly mail me after rectification


Well-Known Member
See further anamoly.
Chat continues
sir every quarter there is a settlement done by SEBI so there is a payout done so if you want to trade you can again payin the amount
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Settlement not done. No money credited to my account.

Further ledger still shows a balance of Rs.36118.33. Why it is not reflecting in NOW.

you name?

sir you bank account will be credited by eevening
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My id is YTNV03. Name Venkataraju Gandhi Lakshmanasamy.

Then why margin is shown as 0?

sir you have zero balance in your account hence it will shown zero
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I have balance of Rs.36118.33 even now as per ledger.

Time was 09:55 at this time.
My ledger at 10:00

Because of this I COULD NOT TRADE TODAY in spite of the fact my margin money is with you.
As per your chat suuport, you will keep the money with you until evening and then only transfer, but you will not allow me to trade.
I am not sure what to say about this.
See to that situation is rectified and give a call in my registered mobile after necessary correction, so that I can trade.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
You own support person's statement which I received in Jan 2014.
Dear L.V.Gandhi,

Our staff has just replied to your ticket "Fwd: Margin refund".

You can view the ticket here:

The ticket message is

Dear Sir,
As per the rules of SEBI,we have the made the quarterly settlement of your accounts.Since you have not traded from last 3 months.
