Trade Smart Online


Well-Known Member
This broker is offering same fund for all segments, how if SEBI has stopped?
I just checked this website. I don't think this is a broker. I think this is just a promotional website of one of the brokers who are providing discount brokerage.
Obviously it's a broker who is giving 20 per order.
Plus, when I type the number on my phone, it immediately says Karnataka :)

a note of SERIOUS SERIOUS concern. Every few days I am facing a problem where orders placed by me are getting rejected by the system and then I receive a call from an apologetic female voice saying 'Sir your orders are cancelled due to some technical problem ..can you replace the order?'

This is simply unacceptable ! And as a customer I should not be caring about your technical problems - I place an order it should go through. Scary thing is in the middle of the day many of my stop loss orders got suddenly cancelled on Sep 1. This is what your guys said on the ticket "We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.This is to inform you that there was some technical error due to which we got such kind of an error.We have forwarded your request to the concerned department so that we can avoid such issues in future.Again we are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you."

But, again today morning the same thing happened!!

I had said many good things about you - but this has been extremely disappointing and irritating. In my 7 years with Kotak, ICICI or the global Interactive Brokers - I never received one such stupid call or faced such an issue.

You guys seriously need to fix this asap
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a note of SERIOUS SERIOUS concern. Every few days I am facing a problem where orders placed by me are getting rejected by the system and then I receive a call from an apologetic female voice saying 'Sir your orders are cancelled due to some technical problem ..can you replace the order?'

This is simply unacceptable ! And as a customer I should not be caring about your technical problems - I place an order it should go through. Scary thing is in the middle of the day many of my stop loss orders got suddenly cancelled on Sep 1. This is what your guys said on the ticket "We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.This is to inform you that there was some technical error due to which we got such kind of an error.We have forwarded your request to the concerned department so that we can avoid such issues in future.Again we are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you."

But, again today morning the same thing happened!!

I had said many good things about you - but this has been extremely disappointing and irritating. In my 7 years with Kotak, ICICI or the global Interactive Brokers - I never received one such stupid call or faced such an issue.

You guys seriously need to fix this asap
We understand the inconvenience caused to you due to the same and are sorry about it. Please do understand that we take such incidents very seriously and will immediately take steps to fix it.
We understand the inconvenience caused to you due to the same and are sorry about it. Please do understand that we take such incidents very seriously and will immediately take steps to fix it.
I don't think the problem is as much with the TSO as much as it is nest's fault. There have always been issues that arise due to the platform.
If you notice, almost all of the problems that are raised, are pertaining to nest.
The brokers are probably doing what is in their hand. But ultimately, we can't blame them when the fault lies with someone else and is out of their purview. The best they can do is to make the most of it and try and redress the issues that can be resolved at a local level.
But thumbs up to all the brokers who have been trying to make most of the platform despite all its flaws and defects.
@classifiedindian - You might be making a fair point about the platform or the efforts put by TSO on making it work. But NEST is hardly my problem - I did not choose NEST! TSO made to migrate to NEST the moment I opened my Commodity account !

A customer frankly should not care about all these. He pays account opening charges and brokerage on every trade to ensure the most basic of facilities - when he places an order, the order should go to the exchange. Period.

A broker that cannot ensure this ... discount or not ... is not one a client should trust his money with. On September 1, afternoon all my stop loss orders on open USDINR positions got cancelled (just like that). The market was moving against me and I did not have a stop loss in place - I was frantically trying to place the same stop loss order again and again and ALL were getting rejected ( I have a screenshot, lemme try and upload it). I finally transferred margin money to another broker account and took a opposite position on that account. It was a horrible experience. And this had occurred many times in the past too...its time they did what it takes to fix this.

I had said many kind things about TSO in the past, and have directly and indirectly referred many clients and even suggested people to take their sub brokership.

But I am having serious doubts about TSO now. The loss you make one day on an unhedged position, can be 100 times all the brokerage you save in 1 year

I don't think the problem is as much with the TSO as much as it is nest's fault. There have always been issues that arise due to the platform.
If you notice, almost all of the problems that are raised, are pertaining to nest.
The brokers are probably doing what is in their hand. But ultimately, we can't blame them when the fault lies with someone else and is out of their purview. The best they can do is to make the most of it and try and redress the issues that can be resolved at a local level.
But thumbs up to all the brokers who have been trying to make most of the platform despite all its flaws and defects.
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@classifiedindian - You might be making a fair point about the platform or the efforts put by TSO on making it work. But NEST is hardly my problem - I did not choose NEST! TSO made to migrate to NEST the moment I opened my Commodity account !

A customer frankly should not care about all these. He pays account opening charges and brokerage on every trade to ensure the most basic of facilities - when he places an order, the order should go to the exchange. Period.

A broker that cannot ensure this ... discount or not ... is not one a client should trust his money with. On September 1, afternoon all my stop loss orders on open USDINR positions got cancelled (just like that). The market was moving against me and I did not have a stop loss in place - I was frantically trying to place the same stop loss order again and again and ALL were getting rejected ( I have a screenshot, lemme try and upload it). I finally transferred margin money to another broker account and took a opposite position on that account. It was a horrible experience. And this had occurred many times in the past too...its time they did what it takes to fix this.

I had said many kind things about TSO in the past, and have directly and indirectly referred many clients and even suggested people to take their sub brokership.

But I am having serious doubts about TSO now. The loss you make one day on an unhedged position, can be 100 times all the brokerage you save in 1 year
We completely agree with your point of view. It is the broker who is responsible for the smooth functioning and any issues need to be resolved by the broker itself. Even a single instance needs to be resolved so that it doesn't occur again and no excuse is acceptable for the same.

Just wanted to let you know that we are already on it and we take it very seriously.
Well, what you said makes a lot of sense to me, sir.
You seemed to have a faced a horrible experience when it comes to the platform. Any person, would agree with you that a few pennies saved is not worth it if you are in a position where you risk loosing not only what you saved, but much more. I think Trade Smart Online should take note of this and pass this on to their software provider.
It is not only about cost. It is also about the quality that is provided. I am not blaming TSO at all. I guess they are in a helpless situation as technical errors would be the software vendors problem.
But from the end user's point of view, you wouldn't care whether the problem was Nest or TSO. Ultimately, you want quality service.
The fact that all discount brokers are offering Nest probably means that it is a low cost alternative to the software that is used by the traditional brokers. I read in a recent interview of ZeroDha owner where he says that technology is the highest cost that brokers incur. So I guess discount brokers have made a conscious decision to go for an alternative that is cost effective than to give high quality software as the likes of ICICI Direct, Kotak, Sharekhan, etc. You can't imagine facing the same issues with ICICI for that matter as we face with discount brokers. I think brokers should take note of this.
Traders cannot be penny smart and pound stupid. Trading itself is hard enough. Why should you have to go through the trauma of facing technology issues that are out of your hand?
We completely agree with your point of view. It is the broker who is responsible for the smooth functioning and any issues need to be resolved by the broker itself. Even a single instance needs to be resolved so that it doesn't occur again and no excuse is acceptable for the same.

Just wanted to let you know that we are already on it and we take it very seriously.
It's good to see the spirit of TSO. Despite having such a platform, they are giving it their best when it comes to customer service.