Trade Smart Online


Well-Known Member
@ TSO,

Is it possible to run 0.7P plan in Commodities & Equity segment and 15 Per Order Plan in NFO segment?

Also can I run NOW from you for NSE & NFO and NEST from you for Commodities separately?

@ TSO,

Is it possible to run 0.7P plan in Commodities & Equity segment and 15 Per Order Plan in NFO segment?

Also can I run NOW from you for NSE & NFO and NEST from you for Commodities separately?

Hello Leonid
Sorry as of now the plan for equity and F&O can not be different.

Also to keep things simple, we have designed our systems to offer only one trading software at a time.


Well-Known Member
@ TSO,

I took the survey which I received through E-mail. The points were good but the options given were not comprehensive. Either this or that kind of options cannot help in inferring something very credible from the answers chosen.

I think that after sometime plz. try to incorporate a more comprehensive survey by giving an option for adding comment on each question if the choices given are not acceptable to the respondent.