Trading Strategies Using Technical Analysis

Which date should the meet be held?

  • February 27th 2011

    Votes: 19 59.4%
  • March 6th 2011

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • March 13th 2011

    Votes: 5 15.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Raunak Sir,

Today morning was stable... I was hoping for some bullishness till the expiry day. But a sudden collapse in the last 1 hour.

I am still holding 100 shares of 3iInfotech and HCC. Should I sell them and stay in cash for a better opportunity? Or should I keep holding them for a few weeks?



Well-Known Member
The following can be considered as some of my reasons for suggesting futures/stock over options intra day -

1. Intraday trading is speculation on direction. So for traders who are really good at getting their direction right future or stock will give them maximum profits when they do get it right and also there is no shortage of liquidity or volume on futures. Regarding Brokerage, STT etc. If the targets based on a very small rise ( 0.4 percent ) then i guess futures may not be the best thing.

2. Options pricing can change as per market view. if the nifty rises fast towards 6000 you notice the 6000 call is going at say 53 rs on monday. you ll be tempted to buy it hoping the nifty gains another 50 odd points. now here s what can wrong with options in such a scenario .

- if nifty halts its rise but still doesn't drop, you will notice that what you bought for 53 is suddenly only 50. the pricing of options is not as straight forward.

- if the nifty does rise it depends on how fast it rises and also on how much it rises. you could potentially see another 20 point rise but get only a 5 rs gain in your option.

- if the nifty does just take a small correction and goes to 5980 and if your
trading a stop loss. you ll be stopped out even if the nifty rebounds. Also when it does rebound back to its original level. the price of the option will most likely not be 53 but say 52.

Options are best suited for month end position strategies, their strength is their flexibility not so much the leverage because an option will not gain as much as a future. An In the money call option not gain as much a future ( it usually gains something like 70 percent of the future ), similarily it wont lose as much as well.

So decisions on futures depends on only a few things :

1. Bullish or bearish
2. Stop loss and target

On an option decisions should be based on

1. bullish or bearish or neutral
2. time frame for target
3. appropriate hedge or counter solutions.
4. strike price.
5. if simply bullish - Short a put or long a call ( big difference in terms of risk n reward and margins required ) and if bearish vice versa.

I m personally not so strong technically. Which is why i stick to options. For someone as strong as Mr. Raunak I would definately suggest futures for intraday. Options are great, but they need to exploited for their strength - leverage and flexibilities not their weakness - sluggish behavior.

Please do feel free to correct me if wrong.


Hi Siddharth

I second your views in many ways. What I do add from my side has to do with technicals and market development. Also in option strategy trading it is very important to recognize the direction of the market. Here an example from its best and only traded on market moves in either direction with only one option or future at the time :

What you see is the end result of only trading any direction of the market with two derivatives. :)

I trade on the CME and so I can do such strategies. I am clear, that this not can be traded in India, as regulations from your exchange and margin calculations from your brokers are not up today.

As we here in a learning forum, we have to hear and see things from different ways. This trade is a different way of what you say.

Even than, I am very clear, that many option strategies are quit nonindependent on direction of market. Some of this strategies are based in far away months, which again is not possible to trade in your home market and which I prefer to trade, as they are really very low risk.

Nearly every option strategy which you can trade in India is only makable in a certain time frame of max 30 days, as out of the month option in India are nearly not traded or have a big spread. Strangles, straddles, ratio back spread, back spreads and credit spreads are the strategies you can trade in your home market.

Some of them do less depend on the direct move of a market and I also agree with that.

Take care



Well-Known Member
I am new to options,so kindly keep this in mind.
Because of no stop you managed to profit from the market action.
Timing is quite crucial i think in entry .
To reverse your position you mean exit the call (say) and buy the put?
As far as I know options are traded in a shot,so better to sacrifice some gain to get the direction correctly.
More than multiple adds, successful traders here exit at multiple prices (say 50% at some tgt remaining trailing).
I have also resumed day trading after a long gap and hence In that sense I am also new to trading.
Timing and Brokerage is equally important :)
I am trading with RKG and planning to cut cost further by opening with Zerodha.
To reverse your position you mean exit the call (say) and buy the put ? - Yes correct.
Thanks - Will try to book profits at various points.

Timing is crucial - so better to sacrifice some gain to get the direction correctly - :confused:
But sacrificing points gives trouble while trading sideways markets/Pullbacks
especially when trading shorter TF's so don't know what to do here :confused:
It shouldn't be a problem with 15 minutes TF.

Request your detailed explanation and solution if any in this regard.

Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
But sacrificing points gives trouble while trading sideways markets/Pullbacks
especially when trading shorter TF's so don't know what to do here :confused:
It shouldn't be a problem with 15 minutes TF.
Hi JK,

Even 5 min TF , i found sometimes ,too BIG.1 min & 2 min ,both are NOISY.
I prefer 3min and in fag end ,I sometimes resort to 5 min.


Well-Known Member
Hello Friend,

If we altogether make a fund of around Rs. 200 corers and hand over it to Raunak Sir and then you see. 200 crores can become 2000 crores in 6 months time,

There are more than 100s of scripts which trade a volume of less than Rs. 1 crore a day. We can also play with such types of scripts........... but......... money speaks..

Raunak Bhai will make us rich soon.No doubt in that :).

Underline - Money Speaks :)
That's the problem :(
Hmmm - Otherwise I will be operating TATASTEEL and when our forum members are long I would have taken it to 1000 rs :D



Smart money or Dumb money .. How can one classify it?

Quantitative trading has made the distinction between smart money and dumb money almost impossible. Going by the same notion, with the markets selling off currently, and the volumes expanding, is it smart money or dumb money? No one can say for sure. Moreover, Indian markets are so open now, almost every script in Futures has some sort of smart money operating in it.

Such things are just not in our control. Hence, I don't try and look into which script has which kind of money operating in them.


Can you please elaborate how you you hedge equities with options ?

seems interesting.....

Yes Dear,

Definitely i will give you a detailed story tomorrow,,, Tomorrow is the day I am completing 3 months with Traderji......... I will give you a first quarter result tomorrow.

With Regards,


Well-Known Member
Hi JK,

Even 5 min TF , i found sometimes ,too BIG.1 min & 2 min ,both are NOISY.
I prefer 3min and in fag end ,I sometimes resort to 5 min.
Hi columbus

Always nice to see a real future trader in other threads. :)

My question today to you is simple : Is it possible for you to show a chart from Nifty over a time period from one or two weeks, where you traded a 5 min chart time frame with sell and buy points from the actual market or if not actual, may from the past.

Would surely be an improvement for trading ideas for many here or even an approval for others.

Take care


Edit : Jagankris was talking about options. So I am very curios to see some body trading options on such a short time frame as I trade options with completely other ideas. So what ? My ideas are my style of trading and other onces have there ideas. Even than, my lowest time frame to trade option is a 15 min chart :D
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