Trading With CrossOver And BB

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Well-Known Member
Hi Anant,

Thanks A Ton For The Charts, It Is Much More Clearer Looking At Different Scrips At The Same Time.

Yes.... I See Your Point, Just Thinking Aloud, What If Index Closes Above 20-EMA Thereafter, If The Stocks Have Been Better Behaved With 20-EMA.

Like I Said, Just Thinking Aloud.....

Warmest Regards


Hi Savant,

I scanned about 100 different stocks, including the list of triggers of 28-5-09. I found, the EMA20 alone would not be beneficial. In some specific cases like ABAN, WELGUJ we may see a potential trading system but these have some special chart formations which I mentioned in earlier post. You may have a look at ABAN and WELGUJ charts attached here:

Whereas, In other cases there are a number of Whipsaws as seen in the following charts of ADLABSFILM, GAIL etc.

These are some examples. Therefore, in the present form Just EMA would not be useful. Some other critria should be defined to weed out most of the whipsaws.

The images included here are not of high quality as I tried to minimise the size of the images. But quality is sufficient to note the points I mentioned


Hi Everyone

Can someone let me know where I can find good live Intraday charts. One option is and they are charging a fee of 350 per month and the charts gets refreshed every 3 seconds. How about any other sites offering similar services. I've downloaded a trial version of amibroker in my PC at home but not sure how to configure and use it.


Hi Anant,

Thanks A Ton For The Charts, It Is Much More Clearer Looking At Different Scrips At The Same Time.

Yes.... I See Your Point, Just Thinking Aloud, What If Index Closes Above 20-EMA Thereafter, If The Stocks Have Been Better Behaved With 20-EMA.

Like I Said, Just Thinking Aloud.....

Warmest Regards



Well-Known Member

3) From third chart (based on linear regression) the close is approaching the sell trigger line (or you can call it trailing stop loss line). The trigger would be activated if ABAN closes below 996 on Monday.

I can infer this much from the current status of the chart. However, market can throw surprises and throw out all our conclusions and expectations.


Hi Anant,

Your prediction has come true. ABAN closed much below your trigger price. Will it go down?

*** Uma ***


Well-Known Member

While Anant May Have A Different Retracement & Upside Targets For Regression Channels.

Looking At The Chart On Yahoo...:) Downside Can Take It To 655.00 & Breakout On The Upside Looks To Be At 1245.00

Happy & Safer Investing



Well-Known Member

Savant Sir,

What a pleasent surprise to hear from you! You are supposed to be on the move out of town. Thanks for your close follow-up on the ABAN topic.


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Well-Known Member
Hi Anant,

Your prediction has come true. ABAN closed much below your trigger price. Will it go down?

*** Uma ***
Hi Uma,

It was not a prediction that ABAN would go below the said value. What I meant was if it breaks below that value then it is a signal for selling.

Hi, Anant,

It is facinating! You predicted it correctly! Aban closed below triger point. what do we expect from here. It will go with the market? or will take its own course? up to what level--- may fall--- the probablity please.

Thanks a lot for your efforts and time spend on this topic.


As I said earlier ABAN is closing lower and lower sine a few days. In the last four days the average fall per day is around Rs. 47. Therefore if this proportion is approximately continued then tomorrow's close would be around 910. But price will not follow proportions, ratios and any such mathematics.

In order to reverse the direction tomorrow itself, ABAN has to gain atleast Rs. 155.

Already Savantji has said that there is a good support at about 845 or so. I am also getting almost similar value.

Since 9th March ABAN had two break outs. If we take the low of 9th March and calculate till the recent high, the Fibonacci level for 38.2% retracement is about Rs 896. Therefore, a level below 900 can be expected in the first place.

If we take the low of April 28 (just before the first break out) and the latest high then the 38.2% retracement is over and next level is 50% retracement. This suggests a price of Rs 851 which is quite close to Savantji's value.

If we take low of May 22 (just before second break out) and the recent high The ABAN has to retrace 100% which means a price of 800.

Therefore, the price would break the levels of 900, 850 and 800 one after the other. These are the major barriers at present. Among these there can be a good support at 840-850 and even reversal is possible at that level. But if that level is broken then it would go down quite low to the levels suggested by Savantji in his latest post.

As for the upside, at the current deceleration level it takes some time unless a very huge break out (more than Rs 150) takes place. The upside levels can be calculated only after the reversal.

This is what I expect from ABAN. As you know, the right side of the chart is always unknown and anything can happen. As long as the price moves in the direction we are expecting we will go on watching it touch and break the next levels. Once it decisively changes direction we will also change our calculations and try to match it.




Well-Known Member

Yesss....Leaving At 5.00 In The Morning, But Unable To Update Regular Threads Because Of Old Workhorse Dying On Me Can Onlly Send It For Repair Once I Get Back, All My Calculations Are There.

Happy & Safer Investing



Savant Sir,

What a pleasent surprise to hear from you! You are supposed to be on the move out of town. Thanks for your close follow-up on the ABAN topic.




Well-Known Member
Hi Uma,

It was not a prediction that ABAN would go below the said value. What I meant was if it breaks below that value then it is a signal for selling.


As I said earlier ABAN is closing lower and lower sine a few days. In the last four days the average fall per day is around Rs. 47. Therefore if this proportion is approximately continued then tomorrow's close would be around 910. But price will not follow proportions, ratios and any such mathematics.

In order to reverse the direction tomorrow itself, ABAN has to gain atleast Rs. 155.

Already Savantji has said that there is a good support at about 845 or so. I am also getting almost similar value.

Since 9th March ABAN had two break outs. If we take the low of 9th March and calculate till the recent high, the Fibonacci level for 38.2% retracement is about Rs 896. Therefore, a level below 900 can be expected in the first place.

If we take the low of April 28 (just before the first break out) and the latest high then the 38.2% retracement is over and next level is 50% retracement. This suggests a price of Rs 851 which is quite close to Savantji's value.

If we take low of May 22 (just before second break out) and the recent high The ABAN has to retrace 100% which means a price of 800.

Therefore, the price would break the levels of 900, 850 and 800 one after the other. These are the major barriers at present. Among these there can be a good support at 840-850 and even reversal is possible at that level. But if that level is broken then it would go down quite low to the levels suggested by Savantji in his latest post.

As for the upside, at the current deceleration level it takes some time unless a very huge break out (more than Rs 150) takes place. The upside levels can be calculated only after the reversal.

This is what I expect from ABAN. As you know, the right side of the chart is always unknown and anything can happen. As long as the price moves in the direction we are expecting we will go on watching it touch and break the next levels. Once it decisively changes direction we will also change our calculations and try to match it.




THOUSAND SALUTES TO YOU & SAVANTJI to keep the aban follow-up live.
Thanks 'Uma' for keeping a close eye and following the ABAN topic and your exl.sheet posted in chapter-II.

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