Triple your money in 3 months

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Active Member
Even though the thread was created to track the progress of demo trades ,I accept your challenge. I will trade with INR 50000. I will use whatever strategy which i may deem fit .

One condition is trades should be updated realtime and periodically post the ledger status.

Also there is no restrictions on no of trades or markets.

The Task will end after 3 months from this date .

Best of Luck


Active Member
Guys lets observe 2 minutes silence in the memory of those who held overnight long positions in infy :D


Well-Known Member
Holding overnight.... all FIIS and DIIS were holding crores and crores.

They have lost the most, and they cant even exit at these rates.

If traders have held overnights before a big event, then they would have assumed a risk of roughly 5 %. Looks like they would have made 4 times those losses.


Active Member
Holding overnight.... all FIIS and DIIS were holding crores and crores.

They have lost the most, and they cant even exit at these rates.

If traders have held overnights before a big event, then they would have assumed a risk of roughly 5 %. Looks like they would have made 4 times those losses.
ya, its mostly the institutional investors who lost big, small traders usually dont dare to hold overnight ahead of its results.
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