Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

@ Mailmeantara :)

NO one is virgin .. stock market has has fcked us all min one time lol
I myself has loss of 222K lol this expiry but hey i have made enough already to cover my loss in past .. One bad trade can ruin the life.thats Overtrading :)

Trading 1 lot of nifty if u have 60K in account in my eyes is safest .

I am still waiting for RKS to Enable atleast NIFTY SL_M order buy from RKSV.
it;s end of month there is no sign of them to enable that for all client Or atleast me

seems like from 1st have to go back to zerodha .Only reason i came to them was brokerage and reliability.

but no point to continue with them How am i suppose to pay them brokerage if i am not given the tool i use most.

They don;t give u sword to fight in war.
SL_M buy order in nifty option is my sword in trading world

Market orders on buying options have been enabled for most clients earlier this week. We are slowly telling clients who have been placing market orders with us but not all yet. There's a good chance it's probably already enabled on your account -- just try tomorrow. A public announcement will happen in a few weeks.

If anyone is not sure whether it's enabled, give our tech team a ring and we can put you on board. Note that this is only for users on NEST and not NOW.


Well-Known Member
Suggestion :

For password lock etc. we receive mail, and spend time to open mail account etc. Why not enable phone option? While overall you guys are doing something positive, there is stuff not so good as well, (just read market order enabled for options - I too had complained of the same) please looking into sending password by SMS - it is much more convenient. Most brokers have this facility - please don't want for customer feedback for small things - take a proactive approach guys.

BTW noted you have increase by 25% your charges for single trade. :( :( :( It was 20 bucks, and now 25!!! Hope you freeze these rates. Else for traders, it will be like a frog in slowly boiling water. Not realize he is being killed slowly, but surely!
Suggestion :

For password lock etc. we receive mail, and spend time to open mail account etc. Why not enable phone option? While overall you guys are doing something positive, there is stuff not so good as well, (just read market order enabled for options - I too had complained of the same) please looking into sending password by SMS - it is much more convenient. Most brokers have this facility - please don't want for customer feedback for small things - take a proactive approach guys.

BTW noted you have increase by 25% your charges for single trade. :( :( :( It was 20 bucks, and now 25!!! Hope you freeze these rates. Else for traders, it will be like a frog in slowly boiling water. Not realize he is being killed slowly, but surely!
Password lock -- do you mean for NEST? Can look and see into it if SMS is feasible. But the emails should be near-instant and it doesn't require anything from our side to unblock your NEST password.

On charges -- it was always Rs. 25, never Rs. 20.. where did you see that it was written Rs. 20??

We are working on some pricing plan innovations in the coming year. Shooting to find the sweet spot between service and pricing in the coming months :) :) :)
wow i just read sms and it said my account is enabled for for Sl- Mkt order buy option lol

Someone is really reading forum tytyty

Evil smile i really really want to Thank you :)

Rksv .... can u enable last traded time LTT and LUT when market is closed....
when market closes it displays NA is there any way to just display it.

if u cann;t it;s ok it;s just request if u can
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Well-Known Member
Yep, I mean password unlock for NEST. Going thru mail is antiquated practice. Why not use SMS? Do consider.

25-20-25 : Ooops.. Apologies - I have possibly mixed RKSV with other broker. Look forward to your innovating plans. Appreciate RKSV service - it is professional, just as the quick response to this query. I am recommending you name to your boss for a bonus! :D :D :D

Password lock -- do you mean for NEST? Can look and see into it if SMS is feasible. But the emails should be near-instant and it doesn't require anything from our side to unblock your NEST password.

On charges -- it was always Rs. 25, never Rs. 20.. where did you see that it was written Rs. 20??

We are working on some pricing plan innovations in the coming year. Shooting to find the sweet spot between service and pricing in the coming months :) :) :)
hi rksv,

pls clarify,

What happens if for some reason a Cover Order position remains open at the end of the day??

:) :) (xxxx Ltd risk monitoring system would square off the positions but the onus lies on you to close out all open positions. If for some reason, the position remains open at the end of the day, it would be converted to futures and you will have to make all the necessary arrangements for funds for the daily settlement of the position and shall be fully liable for the consequences of the same.)

above answer is told by one broking house.... :) :)

What is the quantity that can be submitted for fresh cover orders? is there any limit (1000 qty or 2000 qty according to bid and offer) for placing order in coverorders.??

hi rksv,

pls clarify,

What happens if for some reason a Cover Order position remains open at the end of the day??

:) :) (xxxx Ltd risk monitoring system would square off the positions but the onus lies on you to close out all open positions. If for some reason, the position remains open at the end of the day, it would be converted to futures and you will have to make all the necessary arrangements for funds for the daily settlement of the position and shall be fully liable for the consequences of the same.)

above answer is told by one broking house.... :) :)

What is the quantity that can be submitted for fresh cover orders? is there any limit (1000 qty or 2000 qty according to bid and offer) for placing order in coverorders.??

Cover orders can only be placed with the MIS order mode (margin intraday). So at 3:15 PM, the position will get squared off automatically along with other MIS open positions.

There are no separate quantity limits for Cover Orders.