Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

Is it fixed now ?

you said alert works until price gets triggered sits on the system expiry....until its triggered.....this is true for all segments.

MCX & NSE Currency

So is it fixed now ?

If this is too hard to fix.... could you please suggest if there is any similar price alert system. ..... I remain busy in work .....price alert would help to place orders with you.
SAS ONLINE offers Nest with Alerts till triggered.

They also offer unlimited trading for 999 rs but their policy of margin is weird.
If Margin utililized+M2M crosses your Total Available Fund by even 100 rs they square-off position at 3.28pm without informing client.
not manipulated like indian stocks
If it;s not manipulated it;s not Trading no mater whatever the market.
In end it;s Bald guy with $$ that controls Markets ( no offences to Rksv lmao )
seems like soon everyone will move to international broker that allows us to trade in international market.

It;s sunday morning 6:50 am
is there any minute chance u can keep Nexus vwap up [Always ON]?

IS wvap controlled by you guys or the Pulse makers ?
whoever makes it my question to them is Why make something that u cann;t keep on ^^

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Well-Known Member
@ RKSV Team

Without intending to disparage your inhouse efforts towards an HTML5 platform, would like to draw your attention to an already tested, available and deployment ready HTML5 product with international standards. Has everything that a trader could possibly want/ dream of, including order execution from chart itself

The company already offers the same with associated broker api integration

IMO rather than reinventing the wheel and undergoing a 'learn from mistakes' long drawn out software development cycle, it might make better sense to opt for a 'deployment ready' world class product

If you manage to pull this off, can assure you of at least one guaranteed client increment, as an incentive :)

Disclaimer - Am not associated with the company in any capacity whatsoever for the purpose of remunerative advantage. Am simply an extremely satisfied user of their free mobile platform offering

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today i bought put when market opened my rate came like in less then 10 min

it was 65 ...i was selling but your system was auto cancelling order idk why...

then i was fed up then i putted Sell @ market ....
rate was 63 on my screen then i get message sold @59.9

then it was still 63- 65 then boosted to 75

rate neevr went below 62 ^^ and my trade gets executed @59.8 lol

Option price was 42 previous day So it should easily take order of r.s 80 as sell ... Now better u have good explanation :(

idk to get mad or why was it auto cancelling my order?

yeah test123 alwas moron always has problem ^^^
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they charging R.s 7 and gateway never opens when i want to buy funds and rate is low it;s advised you keep money in advance before market starts :XD
Our question to rksv should be is there any way to transfer money free to to without paying charge 7 ^^
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today i bought put when market opened my rate came like in less then 10 min

it was 65 ...i was selling but your system was auto cancelling order idk why...

then i was fed up then i putted Sell @ market ....
rate was 63 on my screen then i get message sold @59.9

then it was still 63- 65 then boosted to 75

rate neevr went below 62 ^^ and my trade gets executed @59.8 lol

Option price was 42 previous day So it should easily take order of r.s 80 as sell ... Now better u have good explanation :(

idk to get mad or why was it auto cancelling my order?

yeah test123 alwas moron always has problem ^^^
Hi Test123,

The rejection reason is from the exchange side. It was due to execution range opened later at exchange level.
for the day ?.....are you sure ? or its a typo.

I thought you said it'll stay in the system until triggered.

This is inconvenient....who wants to set same alert everyday !

Can't it be done until triggered ?
Hey Megapixel,

Currently the alerts get stored only for a particular day. We have already put the request for storing the alerts in the system until it gets triggered. This is expected to come up by first week of September 2015.
Ty for prompt reply :xD you are my sweet broker ^^

rage opened afterwards o_O
i bought Ce @ 72 now

yesterday same ce was 113 so just for experiment i place sell @ 226

it placed that order :xD success . no range issue was there for ce like right now

Anyways my humble request if it;s in your hand plz keep vwap on so one can see histotic charts in nest ty

you missed my previouse post i think
It;s sunday morning 6:50 am
is there any minute chance u can keep Nexus vwap up [Always ON]?

IS wvap controlled by you guys or the Pulse makers ?
whoever makes it my question to them is Why make something that u cann;t keep on ^^
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