Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max


Well-Known Member
Hi Test123,

The rejection reason is from the exchange side. It was due to execution range opened later at exchange level.
How is that possible ? when quote is at 62 - 65 levels and price never went below 62.And one is not able to put sell order at 65 ?

And what is this out of range - from exchange ?
And the sell order price placed was not above the freeze level ?

Can you please explain a bit more about this for the benefit of all.
recently rksv is being good boy ^^ it listens to his customer :)
they solved alert trigger request by megapixel.
Now charts are showing even at 6:00 am or anytime u access in pulse ty them :)

Rksv offers unlimited plan that zerodha does not offer ( That was only reason i came to rksv 1.5 yrs ago :xD )


Well-Known Member
Not sure what will make it to beta. But the final one should have 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 3h, 1d, 1w, 1m. May change a few here and there but that's what we're looking at.
Custom TF option will be available like 75min Or only the pre decided options are there????