Murray Math

In very very simple words, forget the x/9 levels, just remember this:
  • Upper silver or white lines are the maximum the price can go up in a particular week's trend
  • lower silver or white lines are the maximum price can go down
  • the purple line is the median and the most like spot for the price to move to
  • the yellow lines are the immediate support resistance levels, so if in the silver zone, then first target is the yellow lines
  • Always expect the price to move to the immediate upper or lower line first.
Dear JungleLion,

This is an interesting thread and something new to learn.

By what you have mentioned above, will the Sensex bounce back from the current levels (Purple line level is 17500 & the Sensex is right now at 17559) OR

Will the Sensex go to 15625 (Yellow line)

Also, what according to you would be the levels of the Sensex in the near future?

Awaiting your reply earnestly. Please do reply.

Thank you,


As the discussion going on here is 'Murray Math' hence thought of chipping in with Nifty Fut's 60min chart .
This was coded in Metastock since 9 months.
Personaly i never use this in my Trading.
Last edited by a moderator:


Markets follow some very specific trading rules, which if followed carefully result in massive profit earnings, but even if 1 rule is ignored can result in good losses.
Agree with you Jungle Lion,..

News and politics are nothing but vomited out food , which already been backed up by biggies.

I even agree with u about was the fall expected. I will say OH HELL YEAH ,.. IT WAS EXPECTED.

BUT few of the things are bothering me. Buddy, don't ever praise urself over here. Coz in the end ur not going to gain anything from it from this forum atleast.

Next , if u have any powerful trading system, market prediction tools then please do share them with us. As being a student of TA i would like to see the way u analyze it. Otherwise, every second person can say such things ... for e.g. if i say I have bought nifty at 5071 levels, sold and added short @ 5247 and covered short @ 5136 and added long at same. and again sold and added short @ 5195.covered again @ 5138 again. ( as per spot levels ). Everytime my quantity was 5000 shares. calculate the profit

so better show how u trade n all .. i hereby posting u why i was aware market will fall. Correction was there i was knowing. refer the chart and then say something .




As the discussion going on here is 'Murray Math' hence thought of chipping in with Nifty Fut's 60min chart .
This was coded in Metastock since 9 months.
Personaly i never use this in my Trading.
Can i have the codes in MetaStock Format Ashish da,..!!

Thanx n regards,..



Well-Known Member
Ok, read through the whole thread.

Thanks Hari for your link (valuable one) and Saji for your Doc (attachment).


P.S. There's so much to know, so much to implement, so much to try - so aren't 'duels' (even verbal ones) really a pitiful waste of time?


P.S. There's so much to know, so much to implement, so much to try - so aren't 'duels' (even verbal ones) really a pitiful waste of time?
Yes.....I am sucked after writing those posts!But I aked so many questions and lion-uncle didn't answer a single one!Answer atleast one!!
P.S. Reading the whole thread??? I can understand ur pain Kalyanji.