Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,
Whroom.......... I could not log on to the net since last one and half day and this thread has really zoomed. I need time to go through the excellent referral posted by members in this thread. Thanks for all of them for participating in a constructive and informative discussion. Let me go through the materials posted here and if I have any doubts (or if I have any intelligence to get any doubt - I am very weak in math), I shall post them here.
Thank you to all of you and regards
R. S. Iyer
Agree with you Jungle Lion,..

News and politics are nothing but vomited out food , which already been backed up by biggies.

I even agree with u about was the fall expected. I will say OH HELL YEAH ,.. IT WAS EXPECTED.

BUT few of the things are bothering me. Buddy, don't ever praise urself over here. Coz in the end ur not going to gain anything from it from this forum atleast.

Next , if u have any powerful trading system, market prediction tools then please do share them with us. As being a student of TA i would like to see the way u analyze it. Otherwise, every second person can say such things ... for e.g. if i say I have bought nifty at 5071 levels, sold and added short @ 5247 and covered short @ 5136 and added long at same. and again sold and added short @ 5195.covered again @ 5138 again. ( as per spot levels ). Everytime my quantity was 5000 shares. calculate the profit

so better show how u trade n all .. i hereby posting u why i was aware market will fall. Correction was there i was knowing. refer the chart and then say something .
Hey DG, I beat you,

My quantity was 75000 each time :D :p
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Well-Known Member
nice thread, i was doing some researching on MM seems very good but Jungle didnt u say you have better trading signals that you used? Let us know about them....


Jungle cat not JungleLion

Hi all,

This is to make peoples alert about smart ass kind of guy like JungleLion sorry Junglecat who are just sitting on 2*6 sized rooms and claiming big about themself and act smart, when i had chat on his id it seems he dont have basic idea about MT 4 server components and claiming like a big trader him self were in real case he is some poor IB for a scam forex broker who is sitting in some nigerian forest :D www.fxopen.info

i dont want to elaborate more but just stay away cautious and his claims are just way of acting smart to hunt poor traders :eek:
it was expected to fall today to 5000 or below but it came back strongly?? .. what was the reasons behind it bouncing back such a way???? fullllll 300 points up??
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A lil correction - Big money is made by ACCURATE IMPLEMENTATION of big knowledge!
1. getting BIG knowledge

2. Accurate Implementation

first part is difficult
but the second part is even more difficult....

because for implementing your rules, you need to have "a level of awareness" that gives you "the ability" to implement your rules.

and raising one's level of awareness/consciousness in his/her day to day life is the most difficult task....

Problem with stock markets is getting accurate information.

In forex we have charts updated every minute, so w can always plan an entry and exit. Sometimes even earn $1 per point traded, which is normally 200 to 300 points in a day, on very strong trend days it is as high as 1600 points in a day.

Take gold for exmple, this moves 300 to 2400 points daily.

In stock markets apart from fundamental news t here is nothing to guide a person which is what makes stock markets tougher to trade.

I wish people had charting softwares with tick by tick streaming data from nse or bse.