Wealth Creation


Well-Known Member
Are you working for peanuts?


There are two kinds of income that you can earn...linear income and residual income. Our economy is a down escalator. You work hard for your money but with inflation you have earn 3-5% more next year just to stay in the same place. But this puts you in higher tax brackets. The more you make the more they take. It seems you work harder and harder without making any progress.

Your bank account balance earns 2% and your credit card balance costs you 20%. You’re going in the hole 24 hours a day. You wonder why you can never catch up. And if you stop...the escalator just takes you right back down to the bottom.That’s what it’s like to earn linear income.

Here’s a list of the many types of residual income that you want to be exploring:
  • Savers earn interest
  • Song writers earn royalties on their songs.
  • Authors earn royalties from their books and tapes.
  • Insurance agents get residual business
  • Securities agents get residual sales.
  • Network marketers get residual commissions
  • Actors get a piece of the action
  • Entrepreneurs get business profits.
  • Franchisors get franchising fees
  • Investors get dividends, interest and appreciation.
  • Visual artists get royalties from their creations
  • Software creators get royalties.
  • Game designers get royalties.
  • Inventors get royalties.
  • Partners can get profits.
  • Mailing list owners get rental fees
  • Real estate owners can get cash flow profits
  • Retired persons can get pensions
  • Celebrity endorsers get gross percentage profits
  • Marketing consultants get % of profit or gross revenue

When you go to bed tonight, ask yourself this question, "What percentage of my day did I spend creating residual income?" If the answer is zero, you’re in trouble. You’d better wake up tomorrow and get busy.


Well-Known Member
Socrates once asked a young boy that is the secret of success

Socrates told the guy that you meet me tomorrow at the river. Then Socrates Khalawr youngster with them while on the move increasingly towards the river water reaches the throat, suddenly Socrates hold the boy's head sank into the water. The boy seemed to struggle to get out, but Socrates was strong and kept it until the blue not yet proved form of dipping. Socrates then kicked his head out of the water and get out of the first thing that the boy was breathing fast panting down-panting down.

Socrates asked, "When you were there, most of what you wanted?"

The boy replied, "breathe"

Socrates said, "That is the secret of success. When you want success as badly as much as you want to breathe, then you will get it "is no secret else.

Try hard to learn T.A. and the money will be yours !!!

एक बार एक नौजवान लड़के ने सुकरात से पूछा कि सफलता का रहस्य क्या है?

सुकरात ने उस लड़के से कहा कि तुम कल मुझे नदी के किनारे मिलो.वो मिले. फिर सुकरात ने नौजवान से उनके साथ नदी की तरफ बढ़ने को कहा.और जब आगे बढ़ते-बढ़ते पानी गले तक पहुँच गया, तभी अचानक सुकरात ने उस लड़के का सर पकड़ के पानी में डुबो दिया. लड़का बाहर निकलने के लिए संघर्ष करने लगा , लेकिन सुकरात ताकतवर थे और उसे तब तक डुबोये रखे जब तक की वो नीला नहीं पड़ने लगा. फिर सुकरात ने उसका सर पानी से बाहर निकाल दिया और बाहर निकलते ही जो चीज उस लड़के ने सबसे पहले की वो थी हाँफते-हाँफते तेजी से सांस लेना.

सुकरात ने पूछा ,” जब तुम वहाँ थे तो तुम सबसे ज्यादा क्या चाहते थे?”

लड़के ने उत्तर दिया,”सांस लेना”

सुकरात ने कहा,” यही सफलता का रहस्य है. जब तुम सफलता को उतनी ही बुरी तरह से चाहोगे जितना की तुम सांस लेना चाहते थे तो वो तुम्हे मिल जाएगी” इसके आलावा और कोई रहस्य नहीं है.

Courtesy: Raman


Well-Known Member
Good financial advice is priceless. Good financial advice can be the key to success.

Bad financial advice is expensive and will cost you a lot more than just money.

Your mind ultimately is your greatest asset. So be very careful of what kind of advice you invest in it.

When someone offers you financial advice, you need to ask yourself:
“Is this person giving me advice to make me rich, or giving me advice to make themselves rich.

My rich dad said, “Most people struggle financially because they take advice from sales people, not rich people." They take financial advice from sales people such as stockbrokers and real estate brokers. As my rich dad said, “The reason they are called brokers is because they are broker than you are."

Be very careful who you get your financial advice from. There is a big difference between financial advice from rich people versus sales people.

Robert Kiyasaki

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