Which is the best Technical Analysis Software ?

Can u suggest any alternative datafeed to eSignal. I want to reduce datafeed cost. truedata etc. is not an option, u know what i mean.

If you do not want to use any data fetcher utilities, then its a fact that there are very few data suppliers for AmiBroker in India who have their own source for data. Again, there is a cost factor associated regarding data price and maintenance which makes costs much higher (% wise) when compared with data fetching utilities. Given that average Indian Trader is happy with data fetching utilities, it looks like data suppliers do not wish to take the trouble of having their own data servers, their maintenance, etc. coupled with business competition due to increased price of the data which again caters to only a handful of people.

I know there is a need and hence we are starting data feed directly from NSE from next month. Only for F&O to start with. We will expand it later to Cash Segment depending on the response.

Best regards,


PS :
1. AmiBroker supports importing MetaStock compatible realtime data using dedicated plug-in. You may try any suitable data supplier who gives RT data compatible with MetaStock which fits your requirements.
2. I would love to give you details of the data suppliers as it helps me sell my software. But I found many non-responsive when we contacted them, over and over again (at the time of AmiBroker launch in India). This includes almost all of the names that you hear in market now-a-days. This is one of the reasons we decided to enter the market ourselves, otherwise we are very happy with our current business model.
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Hi AmibrokerIndia,

Thanks for ur reply, looking forward for ur datafeed service to launch. I already owns Ami and my datafeed is eSignal. eSignal jut told me that NSE fee is to be raised to $ 23 instead of the present $2. net effect will be around 20% rise in data feed cost. so I am looking for alternatives.

Send a mail to the falcon people telling them that I just need the data only, but no reply from them.

Viratech needds yearly subscription, but data is 5 min bar refreshed every 3 seconds. not a choice. at least 1 min bar is required.

found another site esignalindia.com, but the name itself warns me to take caution with them.

iFocus financials india told me a few months back that they are launching a data feed but it seems they are busy with metatrader and forex now a days.
Can you clarify on that. I was considering their real time data feed!

They charge 4950 per year for real time data feed!!!
Hi anand,

Reliability is the issue. these low cost guys fetch data from some third party servers like yahoo finance. if yahoo goes down, datafeed too is down.
Hi anand,

Reliability is the issue. these low cost guys fetch data from some third party servers like yahoo finance. if yahoo goes down, datafeed too is down.
Thanks for clarifying that. So looks like I too will need to subscribe to esignal. Is there anyone else I can consider??
Thanks for clarifying that. So looks like I too will need to subscribe to esignal. Is there anyone else I can consider??
hi anand,

first choice is quotecenter from equis.com, second eSignal. Quotecenter provides data for commodities(india) also where as eSignal does not. QC feed is intended for metastock. without metastock, it is difficult to feed quote center data to ami.

eSignal is the best choice for ami as far as i know. Quotecenter costs more, around $140+, eSignal $97 for datafeed only, together with their charting s/w, it is $127. from india, may be viratech is the best.


Active Member
Need help in selecting one...

Here is my criteria:

1. Should be easy to use / I am a non techie
2. I should be able to write my own formuals
3. Provides search/scan to pick stocks that meet a criteria
4. should support all the key TA indicators
5. Should work at least EOD, preferrably Real time for indian markets i.e. BSE & NSEI
6. Supports custom market views & index creation
7. Supports drawing on charts i.e. lines, arcs etc
8. Does not cost more than 5K per annum.

All ideas & suggestions are welcome...

If all this can not be achieved in One software do let me know the combinations... only condition is that softwares should allow data imports with each other.

Your help is greatly appriciated.

my suggestion is you go with Fibotrader , it is a excellant software and whats more !! its free !!!!
It meet all your requirement ,and yes you can get EOD free of cost form NSE website , no recurring cost nothing , absolutely FREEEEEE!
You can down load it from http://www.fibotrader.com/sw_downloads.php
And you can also get all help thru active thread http://www.traderji.com/software/6575-fibotrader-excellent-free-ta-software.html

Just try nad enjoy it



New Member

If you do not want to use any data fetcher utilities, then its a fact that there are very few data suppliers for AmiBroker in India who have their own source for data. Again, there is a cost factor associated regarding data price and maintenance which makes costs much higher (% wise) when compared with data fetching utilities.

I know there is a need and hence we are starting data feed directly from NSE from next month. Only for F&O to start with. We will expand it later to Cash Segment depending on the response.

Best regards,


2. I would love to give you details of the data suppliers as it helps me sell my software. But I found many non-responsive when we contacted them, over and over again (at the time of AmiBroker launch in India). This includes almost all of the names that you hear in market now-a-days. This is one of the reasons we decided to enter the market ourselves, otherwise we are very happy with our current business model.

Hi AmibrokerIndia,

I was about to ask this question, when can I have reliable real time F&O data for Amibroker and here saw your post. I am eagerly looking forward to F&O data feed from you guys... That would make my decision to purchase Amibroker easy.... Start reliable RT data for F&O and I will be the first to purchase your software....

Thanks once again.......
