Wolfe Waves


Well-Known Member
Hi Vivek

My views
1. I never objected to his posting of any ww.
2. I never objected to his posting of wrong ww charts, by drawing wrong trendlines.
3. I never objected to his defending his wrong ww charts.
Did I.

But, IMO, posting any trades or making a trade log here, should be strictly, no, no. One should/can open a new thread for this purpose. (Many boarders are posting their trades in their threads.) And he already has a thread for this purpose and he is posting his trades there. Then why posting all that here also.
I agree with this point too. Trade logs should be in one's own thread. This will ensure maximum information in minimum posts.

Santhosh was providing technicals with amazing clarity and beauty, and most of us are honored by the knowledge benefited from these posts. But what he does in his portfolio - I guess nobody is interested in that, hence a1b1's view is valid.

Now again, nobody needs to be disappointed because we now know Santhosh and can visit his threads to get the same knowledge again. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Tata steel -ww on daily !!

Rgds !
So I see the following levels, 391, 370-380 range, and 310 approximately. My queries are as follows,
  • do we wait for price to fall below 380 to target 300 levels?
  • Can we treat this as a confirmation today that target for TS is 310?
  • you mentioned 27 days. Is it estimated time to target of 310. Please clarify.



Well-Known Member
So I see the following levels, 391, 370-380 range, and 310 approximately. My queries are as follows,
  • do we wait for price to fall below 380 to target 300 levels?
  • Can we treat this as a confirmation today that target for TS is 310?
  • you mentioned 27 days. Is it estimated time to target of 310. Please clarify.

Hi T4P sir,
Thanx for the query !!
What u say is correct !!! Those are the support levels , generally i prefer to short below tenken !! Best if the tenken has crossed kijun from the top and the price is below it !! Coming to WW , there is no such indication by the author !! He prefers to short in sweet zone where the price is ,presently !! I would suggest to buy a PUT option,though i know u dont prefer but we have another 22 days to go for expiry ! I have bought a put of 330 @ 0.5 rs !! I am ready to forget it(better to lose 50 paise than few rupees) !! If there is a better option that comes to ur mind plz let me know !!

Actually i have been after this PUT for last 6 days but it was not coming below 0.6 !! I wanted to buy it in 0.3 but i also wanted to avail this opportunity !! Probably ,today TS has shown the trailer of fall !! It should fall from tomorrow !! Of course support of nifty is needed !!

Yes 27 days is the ETA(estimated time for arrival) !!

(I had discussion with Gandhar bhai as to how to encash the WWs without losing money,but he is also trying to find out the same )

Rgds !!

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