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Re: We need automatic execution using Bridges but is that possible?

Bridges with Ami & MT4 from Pi will be ready soon, but only for Semi-Auto trading. A pop up window would not make much difference unless automatic execution. We (some of advanced traders) already have sound alert on Ami & MT4 which is doing same job, but it need a manual execution.

For automatic execution still we need a dealer terminal, we need to pass NSE certified exam, we need to give our strategies to NSE for review(by CA). :annoyed:.
Market is dynamic but, we can't change/modify new strategies whenever required (we need fresh review from NSE).
NSE is trying to do a School Master like job on professional traders. :mad:

We are profitable and we can afford a monthly charge for automatic execution, thats must be enough. It is our money, our risk. :annoyed:

Lets see whether Zerodha can get a permission for automatic execution using bridges (Pi to AMI-MT4) and . In that case we can easily change/modify/implement new strategies on Ami-MT4 instantly without revealing our strategies to NSE. :D
But, it is surely difficult. It is very unfortunate that, everywhere we find an Old School Master. ;)

Happy Trading.

Hi ,

You misunderstood about semi automated trading.
Its not just a pop a up window , its a order window that you need to manually confirm .

Friends like you all even I eagerly waiting for Pi. But I not so much experienced like you people. Before I start off with heavy amounts for trading I want to know few things.

How will Pi change your trading life?
Will it help you become a successful trader?
How many of you here are trading for more than 3 years with minimum 15% return every year?

Please friends I will be waiting for your honest answers.


Well-Known Member
For all the Amibroker fans, to use the bridge on the new release:

1. Change [Pi_Puser] VALUE to TRUE in file C:\Zerodha\Pi\Data Feed\Omne\nestclient.ini
2. Open Pi, Goto View->User Settings->PiBridge, Select Mock Trade in Automated Trading Mode.

Mock trade logs are present in [Pi Installation folder]\PiBridge.log

[Enabling amibroker to fire orders]

1. Paste in amibroker installed folder (In my system its C:\Program Files (x86)\AmiBroker)
2. Open "Command Prompt (cmd) " as administrator.
3. Goto C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\[Latest Framework] (In my system its C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319)
4. type > regasm [location of] ( regasm "C:\Program Files (x86)\AmiBroker\")

Open Pi. If every thing is right then PiBridge icon at right-bottom will turn green when you open amibroker.

To get the dll, send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]

Once done, you can just fire orders right from your AFL. For now, this will not be sent to the exchange but just logged in that file. Very soon, we will give an option to semi/completely automate this.
And yeah to fire order from your strategy on Amibroker, this is what you have to do:

PlaceOrder(string pExchnge, string pTrdSymbol, string pSymbol, string pOrderId, short pOrderSide, int pInitialQty, int pDiscQty, double pLimitPrice, double pTriggerPrice, string pOrderType, string pProdType, string pClientCode, string pValidity)

Example in amibroker

brd = CreateStaticObject("pibridge.Bridge");
brd.PlaceOrder("nse_fo", "NIFTY14OCTFUT", "NIFTY","AMI", 1, 50, 50, 780000, 0, "L", "NRML", "DN0005","DAY");


Well-Known Member
If Bridges are ready for Pi, then a lot of people could make use of well established charting platforms for charting while using Pi for Order Execution in the background... this in inturn would take off a lot of pressure & expectation on Pi being both the Charting-cum-Trading application in very small time-span to make it work as a world-class trading application while simultaneously giving some more room and time for Zerodha on its Pi's development qualitatively thereby making it free from being error-prone/issue-prone delivered... !

And this would also help most traders who are on Ami & MT4 (which most of Indian traders are on) work with what they are already familiar with, & trade as usual; taking advantage of Pi-Bridge for Order Execution (cutting time/labor as on manual switching/execution)...!

who knows; most traders would as well be using only the Bridge for Pi with their favorite charting app, never having to bother about Pi's charting functionality/abilities itself at all ! Just taking advantage of Pi's OM, be it Auto or Semi-Auto fired from the charting-app.....:cool:

Best Regards,
Yep that is the plan, when we reviewed most people programming strategies out there, we realized that there is a lot of resistance in shifting coding language. So we thought easiest thing to do will be to do the bridge. We have some amazing plans lined up for this.

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