Zerodha - Number One Discount Broker in India


So we just won the award for emerging brokerage of the year 2014 by BSE-D&B, put us on a stage with all the big boys. Traderji has been close to our heart since we went live here, as it has played an important part to spread our word.

I visit the forum almost daily, and I will be the first person to acknowledge that we are not perfect, we are not even close to being perfect. But we are striving to get there.
We use our heart more than our head and does get us into trouble a few times, especially on the forum like this where our boys have been announcing things much before time. :). But let me also tell you this, if we used our head too much (think about returns, costs, etc etc) we would not have been able to get to where we are today as a business. I have consciously decided not to raise any external money which is quite easy today, because that would again mean we will have to start using our head more than our heart, and hopefully some of you appreciate that. So if we make mistakes with our english, our announcing things too soon getting excited, or anything similar, do excuse us.

Thanks once again to all of you, and a huge one to Mr TRADERJI :)

Makeinindia :)

as long as the focus is on the trader's benefit too everything goes. cheers to you guys.


Well-Known Member
Re: We need automatic execution using Bridges but is that possible?

Hi, fxarun,

You misunderstood about my point of view, it was about automatic execution vs semi automatic trading.
We know it is a pop up order window we need to manually confirm to execute, zerodha previously clarified this here. But there is not much difference between a pop up order window, pop up alert window (like MT4 etc), sound alert as we need to confirm it manually. We used to put order within seconds whenever there is any type alert. :)


Sometime Day trading is a very tedious job (specially staring at monitors in range bound market, some time we lost patience, get out & missed the trade).
Only automatic execution (what zerodha is trying, automatic execution using bridge, where we can change strategies instantly) can make a great difference to our job. :thumb:

With Best Regards.
Happy Trading,



Well-Known Member
Re: We need automatic execution using Bridges but is that possible?

:) , hopefully we will let you all know good news soon, waiting for final approvals at the exchange. We are trying to get blanket approvals for Bridge to various charting/analytic platforms, and for Pi itself. What exchange is worried about auto trading is if an algo goes bad. We are showing how that can be taken care by Risk management system, and hopefully should get approvals.

Once that is done, the whole going to a CA, et etc, all will not be required. Become an authorized person with us and you will be able to automate strategy, and you can change it whenever u want.
Thank You SO MUCH, Zerodha. :clap:

When that is done, it would surely make change to some of trader's life. We can save little more time for family. :)

Happy Trading.
Best Wishes.

Friends like you all even I eagerly waiting for Pi. But I not so much experienced like you people. Before I start off with heavy amounts for trading I want to know few things.

How will Pi change your trading life?
Will it help you become a successful trader?
How many of you here are trading for more than 3 years with minimum 15% return every year?

Please friends I will be waiting for your honest answers.
Your post got burried in the many enthusiastic posts about Pi. Let me try to give my views on the questions raised by you in the same serial order.

1) In my view Pi will help in ease of trading due to its charting,order execution ,reporting etc. But expecting that with Pi trading will be all bed of roses will be a mistake.

2) Will it help one to become a successful trader ?? The answer is it will help to some extent but Pi will not make one a successful fact not only Pi but no trading platform will make a loosing trader become a successful trader. It is something like saying " if I use a Executive Bond paper and Parker or Cross ball pens instead of Rs 5/- Lexi ballpens to write my exam papers will I top the exam ??" You may feel ease of writing the exam answer paper but the marks will largely depend on your studies, preparation etc...same applies to trading. It is your hard work, discipline, eagerness to learn and accept mistakes that will make you successful trader. There were successful traders when there was open outcry system , also there were successful traders who used Odin, Orien, NOW,NEST TRADER etc....and there is no evidence to show that better trading platform produces successful traders. If it was so, all traders using MT4, MT5 etc will be successful traders.

3) There are many traders in this forum too who are making over 15 % pa returns consistantly for last many years....if you take efforts,you also will be able to join that group of successful traders..15 % pa is no big deal..many are doing much better than that.Out of modesty not many will talk about those returns but there are very profitable traders.

Hope you got answers to your questions.

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Your post got burried in the many enthusiastic posts about Pi. Let me try to give my views on the questions raised by you in the same serial order.

1) In my view Pi will help in ease of trading due to its charting,order execution ,reporting etc. But expecting that with Pi trading will be all bed of roses will be a mistake.

2) Will it help one to become a successful trader ?? The answer is it will help to some extent but Pi will not make one a successful fact not only Pi but no trading platform will make a loosing trader become a successful trader. It is something like saying " if I use a Executive Bond paper and Parker or Cross ball pens instead of Rs 5/- Lexi ballpens to write my exam papers will I top the exam ??" You may feel ease of writing the exam answer paper but the marks will largely depend on your studies, preparation etc...same applies to trading. It is your hard work, discipline, eagerness to learn and accept mistakes that will make you successful trader. There were successful traders when there was open outcry system , also there were successful traders who used Odin, Orien, NOW,NEST TRADER etc....and there is no evidence to show that better trading platform produces successful traders. If it was so, all traders using MT4, MT5 etc will be successful traders.

3) There are many traders in this forum too who are making over 15 % pa returns consistantly for last many years....if you take efforts,you also will be able to join that group of successful traders..15 % pa is no big deal..many are doing much better than that.Out of modesty not many will talk about those returns but there are very profitable traders.

Hope you got answers to your questions.

Thanks so much for a detailed answer friend. I want to meet at least few persons who are making good money in trading business and they should be doing that for at least 3 years minimum. I will get confidence then. But till today I'm trying to find these people. Most of the people I speak to have very little knowledge.
Thanks so much for a detailed answer friend. I want to meet at least few persons who are making good money in trading business and they should be doing that for at least 3 years minimum. I will get confidence then. But till today I'm trying to find these people. Most of the people I speak to have very little knowledge.
Then wait for three years.....let me earn money 51% pa......:D


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for a detailed answer friend. I want to meet at least few persons who are making good money in trading business and they should be doing that for at least 3 years minimum. I will get confidence then. But till today I'm trying to find these people. Most of the people I speak to have very little knowledge.
How will you gain confidence by meeting someone ? Have you seen students preparing for MBBS exam getting motivated by meeting a doctor ? Or IIT aspirants meeting an engineer ? They all would rather spend time preparing for their courses and exams.

My point is.. dt more than meeting someone, it will be much helpful if you learn and understand management etc of the trading world. There are loads and loads of materials available online. Yes.. it is very time taking and you will have put as much hard work as you would do to become a doctor or engineer.. or a musician... But if you are determined to learn nd put ur heart and soul..then nothing should be a hindrance.
Thanks so much for a detailed answer friend. I want to meet at least few persons who are making good money in trading business and they should be doing that for at least 3 years minimum. I will get confidence then. But till today I'm trying to find these people. Most of the people I speak to have very little knowledge.
In trading, you cannot expect consistency...

I know a story from the past. It was Richard Dennis and Turtle Program from the 1980... The system they traded would only have 30% win and still managed to reap 80% returns yearly.... He made millions and millions back in those days...

Now 3 out of 10 trade is not consistent... Anyway the point is, do not look for consistent profit. Even when you take a trade blindly there is a 50% probability you will win it... Learning to trade is easy. You can call the direction of the instrument but what's important is risk management and managing the trade once you are in it...
So learn, Risk Management first... Have an idea how much you are ready to lose before you enter a trade... Or take any sort of risk in life... I have made my mistakes and have been learning from them... You learn trading by trading... Theory will just help you understand the concept but no one controls your mind except you....

Good Luck trading...
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Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for a detailed answer friend. I want to meet at least few persons who are making good money in trading business and they should be doing that for at least 3 years minimum. I will get confidence then. But till today I'm trying to find these people. Most of the people I speak to have very little knowledge.
Maybe some of the people you have spoken to have nothing to gain by telling you how knowledgeable they really are :)

Although I understand your point about meeting successful traders. What would I not give to meet George Soros or even RJ or a young scientist to meet Stephen Hawking. It's unbelievably inspirational!

But the point is do these people want to meet you or me? Even more so if he /she is in as unpredictable a profession as trading where there are no absolutes, only likelihoods.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday i have log in nest and PI same time with different login. I have notice that some time nest stop responding but PI still working. I hope when all user shift to PI then also PI perform like this. Because on expire day Nest create lot of problem.

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