@zerodha, I hope you can incorporate some position sizing tools in yr kick-ass terminal. Also please start a blog on position sizing and money management, esp customized for small accounts of 1-2lakh size
There is no reason for a blog, ill tell u right here.
One LAkh acct.
Assume you take 1% risk per trade (anything over 2% is considered gunslinging btw), so ur risk is Rs 1000 per trade.
Say ur stop is 7 pts, plus 1.3 (approx for breakeven, plus spread ( so for safety, lets call ur BE 2 pts) hence a 9pt risk.
9 pts = 1000 1 pt = 1000/9 rs 111 per pt = two lots or 100 shares of nifty.
Note with one lakh and a 1% risk o meter, you can never do a trade with a stop more then 18 pts plus 2 = 20 pts. So u will pretty much scalp the 1 min chart.
Now if u have 5 lakhs, and use 1 %, u can take one lot for a 100 pt stop, 50 times a 100 = 5000 = 1 % of 500,000
Similarly for stocks
lets assume reliance is at 900 and u take a stop of 50 pts whilst working with a roll of 50 lakhs and a risk preference of 0.5%.
Well 0.5 % of 50 L = 25,000
so 50 pts = 25000 (we can ignore the breakeven here as the stop is large (
this btw is exactly why daytrading is HARD, VERY HARD because of the smaller stops, hence the spread and transaction charges have a huge influence)
1 pt = 25000/50 = 500 so each pt = Rs 500 whi equals 500 shares of reliance
so a capital outlay of 900 * 500 = 4.5 Lakhs.
If this was not clear, i can explain in more detail via email, where i can write better :}.
be ez.
P.S. all the above changes from person to person and ur own personal risk appetite and utility profile, some dudes like 5% risk and can handle it.
Kelly criterion gives u a less then 5% risk of ruin (ROR) chae wit 50 bets (2%), or less then 1% (0.86%) with a 100 bets, IF UHAVE a +ve edge that is.
P.S. 2 There are literally a 100 different ways to position size, this is what is called fractional percentage and a very popular and suitable method for begginners and pros alike, you bet more when winning and less when losing, the key to speculation is that btw.