The whole idea behind asking 30% cash is to ensure that there is no confusion when there is a mtm loss..
Today if you are trading with a broker and you have a mtm loss and you are unable to bring in that loss by end of the day, there are 2 problems that can happen.. 1. Broker squares off your holding to make good of the mtm loss 2. You are also levied exchange penalty for having short margins.. To ensure that this doesn't happen having cash available will ensure that none of the above scenarios happen...
You intend to pledge and write december calls, so once pledged you don't have to worry about unpledge and etc.. But even if you decide to cover the calls and sell your etf's , it can be done immediately..
Once we go online on our new platform, it should become seamless like other brokers who offer this facility...( We are also normal brokers ..
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